Mentor School District Is Indoctrinating Your Children

By Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall

The Concerned Mentor Taxpayers group is exposing yet another inappropriate book in the Mentor School District. This is proof that they are targeting 2nd graders for indoctrination. We are quickly coming to the conclusion that homeschooling may be the only option to fight the moral decay that is permeating our government schools. How far this once great school district has fallen is shocking!


By A Concerned Mentor Taxpayer / December 4, 2023

We hoped to have a quiet December and pick up our concerns in the new year. However, Mentor Schools had other ideas. A parent of a second grader was vetting her child’s library books and found one entitled “Right Now! Real Kids Speak Up for Change”.

She is asking for anyone who is a Mentor resident (you do NOT need to be a parent) to add their name to her challenge. This is what she wrote on our Facebook page:

Hello! I am submitting a book challenge to Mr. Heath, and I was encouraged to share the information on this page and ask if others are willing to put their names on the challenge. I hope that the more names that are included, the more seriously it will be taken. My 7 year old brought home a book from the Ridge Elementary school library entitled “Right Now! Real Kids Speaking Out For Change”. It highlights several children who are activists for a variety of issues. While I take issue with the entire premise of children as activists, my challenge will focus on one specific part of the book. One child who is highlighted is Jazz Jennings. In the section about her it says “When she was born, the doctors thought she was a boy. (It happens sometimes.) But Jazz is a girl. Call her she.” It goes on to talk about her being transgender. I have included several pictures that I took of the book. I find much of it objectionable, but I find this to be the worst part. If you are willing to have your name put on the challenge, please comment on this post. Thank you so much!

According to Mentor Schools website, this book is also available in the Hopkins School library.  Please reply to this email with your name, or any other Mentor residents who are willing to add their names to this challenge.

Thank you,

Concerned Mentor Taxpayers


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