Top Ten Pornographic Books in Schools

By Karen England, Capital Resource Institute

We are consistently asked to provide a list of books parents should be concerned about. The list of pornographic books is constantly changing and growing, but we wanted to provide you with the most up-to-date and relevant information. The American Library Association (ALA) may put out a list of the top challenged books each year, but we’ve gone a step further and identified the real top 10 pornographic books that parents need to be aware of.  

That’s why we are sharing with you the top 10 pornographic books that are commonly found in school districts across the nation. These books are not only sexually graphic and explicit, but they also promote harmful and dangerous behaviors. It’s time to take a stand and keep these books out of the hands of minors.

We urge you to take action.  Challenge these books in your district in order to have them removed from the hands of children while at school.   Our children deserve to be protected from sexually explicit materials in school.  

  1. Books by Ellen Hopkins
  2. Books by Sarah Maas
  3. Red Hood & Damsel, by Elana K. Arnold
  4. The Lovely Bones
  5. Speak
  6. Perks of Being a Wallflower
  7. Me Earl and the Dying Girl
  8. Looking for Alaska
  9. The Glass Castle
  10. The Bluest Eye

View the books here.


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