Fuel the Machine…Stand with Trump and See America Win Again

By William Andrew, A Lake County Patriot

The Only Handbook for MAGA Extremists We are not the easily manipulated sheeple the soviet democrats thought we were. We are mighty Middle Americans-we are massive-we are reviving and the left is trembling. We each have a role in defeating ignorant Marxist inspired nit wits. A new birth of freedom is coming don’t let it be aborted. Neutral is not an option. Have no regrets.*


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Fuel the Machine: Stand with Trump and See America Win Again: Be Part of Something Great Paperback – December 10, 2017

By William Andrew

The 2024 and Beyond Edition: The Author, an avowed Marxogynist (see definition below) pushed this edition out with hope that it would get into hands of You who are determined to stand for Liberty in America and share Liberty in Christ with people God places before you while we still can.

No President was as independent as Donald J Trump. He exposed the dangerous socialist left and the mountains of mess they slammed us into. Trump pulled the wrapper off of their pretty packaged policies of poisoned promises and exposed them for what and who they really are: dangerous, incompetent, negligent, and unworthy to lead the greatest free and blessed people on earth.

Our White House is currently occupied by people we know very little about and have no idea what they are going to do next. Arrogant and feckless, non-inspiring, they have unraveled everything our 45th President did to strengthen Middle Americans.

Marxogny definedThe contempt mistrust, intolerance, and hatred of Marxism which, like an invisible virus, has spread across America by academia with endorsement by most media, Prog Dems and Rinos in Congress who stand aside while cancel culture and woke thugs rewrite our glorious history.

In reality we are seeing Marxist socialism in a far left administration by its increasingly heavy handed control and command government, coupled with a vast increase in government powers; spending Trillions of dollars creating a weaker dependent people as we are being flooded / invaded by illegal immigrants from 120 different countries.

This they do while completely ignoring Marxists history, its murder of 110 Million people from year 1900 up and unto the present; some murdered for taking the corn they themselves planted to feed their starving families.

Our trajectory doesn’t look too good IF, we stand here idle; but we won’t stand here idle will we?

An aside: This Author and Book were banned in 2019 from Twitter without appeal. I am kind of proud of that. I was over the target back then, flying somewhat solo but now America has reawakened and it is amazing to stand with you in such a time as this. Onward!

Categories: Contributors, Uncategorized


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