Meet the Candidates for Lake County Commissioners…well, not all the candidates…Morris, where art thou?

A Watchman on the Wall….just a messenger

The Heritage Club of Northeast Ohio is sponsoring a meet the candidates forum on February 29th at 6:00 pm at the St. John Vianney Social Center, 7575 Bellflower Road in Mentor.

There is one little “glitch” in the program. Morris Beverage lll has decided that he does not want to participate in the forum. Numerous calls from Hal Werner, Director of the Heritage Club, have gone unanswered by Beverage.

Here is a flyer we received in the mail from the Beverage campaign. We are not sure when the “No tax increase pledge” was taken, and does it really mean anything? His endorser, Commissioner John Plecnik, the avowed “Captain No” – for no new taxes, took the same pledge. However, Commissioner Plecnik refuses to give back to the taxpayers the $1.8 million that will be automatically added to the County’s general fund in 2025 due to the estimated 30% increase in property values. This increase will happen without a vote of the taxpayers.

This is very convenient for politicians, they get more money to grow the government without taking any responsibility for raising taxes. Their name on the plaque at the entrance of the sure to be built new jail must be an intoxicating elixir.

Finally, Morris looks awfully mad in the picture..

We were originally told that current Commissioner John Plecnik was going to sit in Beverage’s seat and answer questions from the audience. Mr. Werner nixed that idea. Perhaps there will be an empty seat at the table or there will be a stand-in for Mr. Beverage. We find it quite disturbing that Mr. Beverage does not want to answer questions from the voters. We shall judge him by his actions and not empty campaign promises.

We will be there to record the event for the citizens of Lake County.


Incumbent John Hamercheck is very knowledgeable about the workings of County government. His flyer, and my personal discussion with him indicates to me that he knows what the citizens of Lake County need and want. With Sheriff Leonbruno’s warning to the citizens of Lake County about the possible terrorists attacks because of open borders, and his endorsement of Commissioner Hamercheck, it is clear to me that these two dynamic individuals will do what is necessary to inform the citizens about pending dangers, and muster the necessary forces to do their best to thwart any attacks.

He supports Lake County government forgoing the $1.8 million in property taxes the County will receive in 2025 because of the estimated 30% property revaluations in 2024 without a vote of the people. Commissioner Hamercheck believes we are correct when we say that “Any tax that, if unpaid, will cause a citizen to become homeless is immoral.”

If reelected he will need to convince Commissioner Rich Regovich, assuming he is reelected, to forgo the $1.8 million because the allegedly “staunch Conservative” Commissioner, “No New Taxes” Plecnik has stated to me directly that the County government needs the money to cover inflationary costs. He will gladly tax the people without their vote. We are removing the word “conservative” from describing county government officials because it is misused and terribly misleading.


Meet Dennis Keeney, Candidate for Lake County Commissioner

Retired Commercial Real Estate Appraiser
Retired Landscape Architect
Former Willoughby Hills Volunteer Fireman
Vietnam War Veteran – Sergeant – Parachutist – 101st Airborne Division
Leroy Township Zoning Commission for 15 years

I believe in the Lake County Republican Party Platform:
Family first, Fiscal Discipline, Limited Government, Lower Taxes, Moral Integrity
Personal Responsibility

I have no career to promote. I will not raise your taxes. I will not grow government. I will work within the budget. I will make the wisest decisions with your tax dollars to effectively provide services and plan for future generations.

Categories: Lake County Politics, Uncategorized


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