Riverside School Board Members Belinda Grassi and Lori Krenisky Misstate the Facts

By Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall

The Riverside School Board meeting held on February 22nd proved to this writer that nothing significantly will be done at the school until at least one Board member, either Belinda Grassi or Jennifer Harden are replaced in 2025. They both, in this writer’s opinion, are committed to putting another massive property tax levy on the ballot as soon as possible. Rather than fixing the buildings that have been neglected for the last twelve while Grassi has been on the board, they want new buildings, period!

There was a heated discussion about the fact that no money has been spent on building improvements for 12 years. This corresponds to the period that Ms. Grassi and Ms. Harden have been on the school board.

The following video shows Board Member Scott Fishel stating that he would like to hire an owner’s agent to review the $100,000+ study obtained over six months ago so that the critical repairs can be prioritized and then completed. He was met with serious pushback from Board President Lori Krenisky and Belinda Grassi.

When Mr. Fishel brought up the fact that former School Board member Tom Hach stated, in his last Building and Grounds meeting, that in the many years he has been on the Board no money has been spent on building improvements at Riverside campus, there was an uproar from Krenisky, Grassi, and Jennifer Harden.

We have spliced excerpts from the Board meeting held on February 22nd, and the Buildings and Grounds meeting, which I had recorded, where Mr. Hach makes his very unambiguous statement about the building improvements.

What is clearly obvious is that Krenisky and Grassi misstated the facts. Krenisky was not at the Buildings and Grounds meeting, but Grassi was and heard Mr. Hach’s comments. However, what is really surprising and disappointing to this writer is that Superintendent Chris Rateno and the Curriculum Director Melissa Mlakar attended the Building and Grounds meeting, heard Mr. Hach’s comments, but chose to remain silent and not tell the truth at the February 22nd School Board meeting.

We were asked to provide a shortened version of the video because social media prefers 1 – 2 minute videos. Here is a short video (1:34) that clearly shows the errors by Krenisky, Grassi, Harden, Rateno and Mlakar.

Our readers can decide for themselves what is the truth, and what is a deception.

Former Riverside School Board member Tom Hach states in the video that the Riverside School Board has spent “zero dollars” on improvements to the Riverside Campus during the twelve years he has been on the Board. For the record, School Board member Belinda Grassi has also been on the Board during that time.

The following is a transcript of what former Riverside School Board member Tom Hach said at the Building and Grounds meeting held December 21, 2023. This refutes the statement that School Board member Lori Krenisky and Belinda Grassi made during the School Board meeting held on February 22, 2024.

“….We have “X” number of dollars…we know we can’t do nearly all of it, but the board has to set direction and the master plan must be developed based on that direction.”

“…In the twelve years I have been on this board the vast majority of time I have been on the Buildings and Ground (Committee), other than maintenance up here, and doing work at the auditorium, which was really spectacular at this point…WE HAVE SPENT ZERO DOLLARS ON THE CAMPUS, repairs, maintenance, whatever, but we have not done any improvements in the campus in my twelve years I have been here…”

“…I have the sense that there is going to be another attempt in the future to replace Riverside with a new building…that’s going to be a problem…”

“…the voters voted very strongly last time that Riverside is endearing, and I agree with that assessment…we are going to have to spend money to make sure Riverside, as a facility, is available going forward…”


Public comments at this school board controlled by Krenisky, Grassi, an Harden are merely a formality because they really do not want to hear from the public – except their posse. They never respond to any questions or comments. Stay tuned for more videos to be produced.


Any tax that, if unpaid, causes a citizen to become homeless is immoral.

It is quite clear that Krenisky, Grassi and Harden have no regard for seniors being priced out of their homes that they have worked all their lives to achieve.


Categories: Riverside S.D., Uncategorized


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