Lake County School District Proficiency Scores…are we getting results from our property taxes?

By Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall

Do the Lake County taxpayers know exactly what their public schools are producing with the property taxes they are receiving?

Here is the sad reality of proficiency scores of all nine school districts in Lake County. Kudos to the Kirtland School District for their overall proficiency scores of 79.9%. The overall proficiency score for all grades, subjects and the nine school districts is 60.2%. That is a D- minus on anyone’s grading scale, and without the benefit of Kirtland scores, the other 8 districts are failing the students and the taxpayers.

When we witness the conduct and decision making of the Mentor School Board (minus Annie Payne, and Rose Ioppolo) and Riverside School Board (minus Denise Brewster and Scott Fishel), we conclude that they have lost sight of the role of public education. Mentor’s desire to indoctrinate the children into perverse lifestyles and Riverside’s goal of all new schools, regardless of the burden on taxpayers, tells us that they are misguided in their role of school board members.

Willoughby-Eastlake will get over $8.0 million, without a vote of the taxpayers, from the 2024 sexennial property valuation increase and their overall proficiency score is 56.3%.

Riverside will get $3.6 million, without a vote of the taxpayers, from the 2024 sexennial property valuation increase, and their overall proficiency score is 66.9%.

Here is Riverside’s school board member Belinda Grassi speaking at their Board meeting when I complained about the $3.6 million without a vote of the taxpayers.


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