Open Letter to the Ohio Republican Party State Central Committee

Steve Kraus / April 5, 2024

Open Letter to the Ohio Republican Party State Centeral Committee,

You are the ‘Bouncer’ of the Ohio Republican Party, the ‘Safe Guard’ of Republican Party values, platform and ideas we hold dear.

It is your sworn duty, as duly elected Republican State Centeral Committee members, to uphold these values and to protect, defend and if necessary punish those who’s actions have come into question.

Simply put, you are the ‘bouncer’! We are having a (Republican) Party and there are bad actors inside our mist, sowing discord, mayhem and not abiding by the Party rules (by-laws).

We, your constituents, request, require and demand that you ‘do your job’ and expel these party crashers from our Party.

I’m talking about the Blue 22. I’m asking, naw demanding that you vote to ‘disaffiliate’ them from the party with a YES vote on the next State Centeral Committee meeting on April 26!

I know this will take courage, and some will try and say this will lead to Trump losing Ohio.

Rest assured, nothing could be further from the truth. Trump will be fine…BUT THE OHIO HOUSE IS NOT!

Speaker Stephens already broke our Party By-Laws and spent Republican raised money against fellow Republicans. Now it’s rumored he will seek ‘Gun Violence’ law passage (I’ve never seen a ‘violent’ gun in my life), all the while spending Republican $$$ to help the democrat (like Heidi Workman’s opponent), to win in the fall…because Stephen’s is then guaranteed a yes vote to remain in power.

You have a golden opportunity to stop this madness and return the Super Majority BACK to the Ohio Republican Party!



1. Contact all Ohio Republican State Centeral Committee members and ask politely, “I voted for you and I need you to clean out the corruption and vote for ‘disaffiliation’ of the Blue 22 on April 26th. 

2. Contact all those who ran against the Blue 22 (both won and loss), thank them and ask that they keep their Campaign Accounts open(after all, we need to donate money somewhere else that is not corrupted by the Blue 22)

3. We need to go public! Make this a State Wide Crusade. Get 5-10 of your friends to call our Republican State Centeral Committee Members and ask them to vote for DISAFFILIATION!

The Republican State Centeral Committee (updated list the newly elected), is attached.

We can (with Gods help), win this!

For Liberty,


Categories: Community Activism, Contributors


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