Stop the W.H.O….King Biden sells out our country…Feckless Republican Leaders Believe Who is on First

By Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall

I think the sign should say “NOT EVER”, but that may confuse the Republican leadership since they are adverse to leading the country. The Founding Fathers of this once great country are “rolling over in their graves” because they realize that both political parties have sold out the citizens that built this nation.

At the end of May, President Biden intends to join other nations in supplanting our Constitution and the liberties it guarantees with something called “global governance.” Their plan, which has been stealthily negotiated for several years at the World Health Organization (WHO), would permit no informed debate – let alone require the approval of the American people with regard to turning over to Tedros Ghebreyesus, the WHO’s Director-General, the exclusive responsibility to decide when we have a “public health emergency of international concern” and what we must do about it.

We have already had a taste of what such a surrender of our sovereignty would entail. Even though Dr. Ghebreyesus is not a medical doctor, he was allowed to prescribe what the United States and every other nation ought to do in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. And his advice – which was to mask up, lock-down and take mandatory jabs with experimental and inadequately tested “vaccines” – proved disastrous. By some estimates, a million Americans who contracted COVID needlessly died because of Ghebreyesus’ malfeasance.

Clearly, it would be insane to give this Maoist foreign bureaucrat, who was selected for his job by the Chinese Communist Party, the power to dictate public health policy in our country.  But, that is what will happen if two treaties now being finalized are put to a vote by the World Health Assembly in just a few weeks’ time. We need your help to prevent that from happening under present circumstances and to preserve our sovereignty and your medical freedom.

Join us in telling President Biden: “Not Now.” The vote on the two treaties scheduled for the May 27 to June 2 World Health Assembly must be delayed.  Final drafts should have been circulated on January 27, yet the final texts are still being negotiated.  You don’t want him binding us to a “global governance” arrangement without an informed national debate about these two, deeply problematic treaties and absent the U.S. Senate advising and consenting to them.

Categories: Contributors


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