Auburn Board of Trustees – You Will Be Judged By Your Fruits

By Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall

As the never ending fiasco known as Auburn Career Center versus CATA plods on, we have permission to publish a recent event between citizen extraordinaire, Mr. Brian Ames of Portage County, and Matt Markling, attorney for the wasteful taxing authority known as the Auburn Vocational School District Board of Education.

Matt Markling, the attorney responsible for the interminable delays on the CATA case, got his ass booted of my Public Records Act case. I don’t know if it is because he beclowned himself before the 11th district or because Auburn is realizing what a huge mistake they made in ever having him involved.

Best regards,
Brian M. Ames

LFC Input: The additional legal expenses of Auburn Career Center started by Matt Markling filing for a “Motion for Definite Statement”:

LFC Input: Mr. Ames filed an original action in mandamus in response to Markling’s “Motion for a Definite Statement”:

LFC input: And here is the coup de grâce for attorney Markling, a “Notice of Substitution of Counsel and Appearance of Counsel for Defendant” filed by Auburn’s new lawyer in the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals:

LFC Input: Auburn continues to burn through the taxpayers’ money on legal fees fighting a claim that they have already lost about five times in court. (Honestly, we have lost count.)

A note to all taxpayers: it appears Auburn will continue to fight in court because their money supply is endless because we voted for a continuous levy. That means they will keep collecting property taxes forever, and do not have to be good stewards of the taxpayers’ money.

We call on the Board of Trustees to do what is right and settle this case with CATA, and stop wasting taxpayers’ money. Although we know that you are all appointed and not elected by the people, therefore, regretfully, not accountable to the people, we want you to know that we are watching your actions. Do we have leaders or followers on this Board? We shall judge you by your fruits.

We will give all Board members a “heads up” because we, as overtaxed and abused taxpayers, will be exploring our options with Judicial Watch this coming week.

Here are the Auburn Board of Trustees, minus the new Chardon School District member Todd Albright:

Mr. Paul Stefanko, a man of honor with a moral code, resigned as a Board member over the Administration’ ‘s unethical behavior.

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