Mentor Superintendent’s Proposed New Contract is SUPER

By Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall

The following is an excerpt of the Mentor School Board meeting held on May 14, 2024. The video presents those parents that were against Superintendent Craig Heath and the proposed new employment contract that is shown below.

Public Comments Against Superintendent Craig Heath

LFC Comments: $185,000 per year, plus benefits includes the STRS pension pickup….and pornographic books allowed in schools, boys allowed in the girls bathroom and locker rooms…Taxpayers are going to have to help Superintendent Heath and the three liberal board members find their moral compass. We shall judge them by their fruits.

From a concerned Mentor Taxpayer:

1. His current salary is $165K He’s asking for $185K, a 12% increase.

2. The Mentor teachers got a 2.75% increase, 3 years, beginning last year.

3. Not sure what the levy numbers were, but is this the time?

4. 30 days vacation, 15 of which can be banked at a $818 per diem.

5. No legal liability.

6. Two classrooms with projected 29 kids in the class. No money to hire extra teachers.

Categories: Community Activism, Education, Mentor

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