Brian Ames Versus Auburn Career Center Board…no contest really

By Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall

The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals must be getting tired of overruling the motions submitted by the attorneys for the hapless Auburn Career Center Board. Here is the latest defeat for Auburn. Remember they do not care about burning through the taxpayers’ money on legal fees. It is not money.

Portage County’s Brian Ames takes them to school once again. Auburn has put themselves in a bad place.

Their lack of transparency and continuing to waste taxpayers’ money shows a total disregard for the citizens. Unfortunately, no elected official will come to the aid of the taxpayers, and since we do not elect the officials to the Board there is nothing the taxpayers can do but vent our frustration at an untenable situation!

Taxation without representation is unacceptable to this taxpayer!

11th Circuit Judge John Eklund’s ruling:

“The Board’s motion is overruled.”

We have lost count of the losses by the Auburn Career Center Board in the Lake County courts…they may be 0 wins and 10 losses. If they were a baseball team, they would be demoted to a “Single A” farm team.

Our message to the Auburn Board: “Stop wasting the Lake County taxpayers’ money on lawsuits, and do your job!”

Are you even just a little embarrassed that you are associated with this school district?

Auburn Career Center Board Members

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