CATA Versus Auburn Career Center…the saga continues

By Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall

The never ending abuse of taxpayers’ money continues at the Auburn Career Center. The Career & Technical Association (CATA) is the bargaining representative for the Auburn Board’s teaching staff. Auburn management, Board of Trustees, and their attorneys have proven to be totally inept in fighting this losing cause. Are we asking too much for the male Board members to step up, show some leadership, and get this resolved once for for all?

Here are the emails that we received for publication:

“Yesterday, CATA officers met with  Roger Miller and other Board members. Markling the BOE attorney was present. Today the CATA membership met to vote positively or negatively on going forward with a lawsuit for the remaining two years. Jeff and Ira, the  oea attorney’s (sic), believe if we are going to do it, this is the time to go forward with it. Roger Miller and the board have indicated that they want to pay out on the 10-year lawsuit, and it sounds like they want to try to “negotiate” on the remaining two years. CATA’s thought is that if the Board of Education pays the 10 years, and pays all of the money needed for the two-years, we would drop the 2nd lawsuit at that time. From what I was told, the issue will be passed, and a second lawsuit will be filed.  CATA members has until 8 PM to vote on the issue. It sounds like the new CATA president is fixed 100 percent on the full amount and strs (State Teachers Retirement System) for the 10 years. Incidentally, there is interest to be paid on the past couple of years also. I’m not sure of the amount.  It sounds like the CATA president is also fixed on 100 percent of the remaining two years.


Here are the results of the vote taken by the CATA members:

“The union voted yesterday to go forward with the last two year lawsuit. The vote was 18 for it, 2 no’s and one abstained. They are now going to pay us for the 10 years.”


It appears that CATA will file another lawsuit for payments covering the last two years. The Board must be losing track of their mounting losses in court. Do not worry, just charge the legal expenses to the taxpayers, but we promise you will not be able to sweep it under the rug this time. Auburn’s Board of Trustees has created quite a legacy for themselves.

Here are the members of the Auburn Career Center Board of Trustees:

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