Will Smart Meters Help or Hurt Average Ohio Citizens?

By Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall

Monique Maisenhalter, a Board member of the SW Ohio for Responsible Technology, sent us the following articles previously published in the Ohio Roundtable. Americans for Prosperity – Ohio are urging legislators to vote NO on a bill that harms consumers and increases utility costs.

The Smart Meter Rollout Continues: Who is for You?  https://heartlandbeat.substack.com/p/the-smart-meter-rollout-continues

PUCO’s “Power Forward” Smart Grid: Do You Consent? https://theohioroundtable.substack.com/p/pucos-power-forward-smart-grid-do

Duke Energy Bill Study: An Interview With Vince Welage https://theohioroundtable.substack.com/p/duke-energy-bill-study-an-interview

VR/AR in Ohio Schools.  Do You Consent?


Ohio Group Leads Effort on Utility Meter Choice Legislation

Hate smart meters, digital meters, and expensive opt-out fees?  You Aren’t Alone

Many Ohioans are now paying more in PUCO approved fixed fees than they are for energy use!  This is only going to get worse – especially now that lawmakers are trying again to pass HB 79

Monique Maisenhalter

SWORT Board Member (SW Ohio for Responsible Technology)

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SWORT is a non-partisan/non-political group with members throughout Ohio. 

Categories: Community Activism, State of Ohio


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