Exposing the Lies, Deceptions and Betrayals in Lake County…updated 8/30/24

By Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall

There were plenty of “fireworks” at the August 29th Commissioners’ meeting. This article will be updated when we finish the videos we recorded for the Lake County citizens.

Video 1 – Who Shut Off Commissioner Hamercheck’s microphone?

Ashtabula Assistant Prosecutor Matt Hebebrand has become a regular attendee of the Commissioners’ meetings ever since Leroy Township’s citizen Christian Weiss started his tirades against Commissioner Plecnik.

It appears his designated role is to defend his former Professor, John Plecnik, by attacking Plecnik’s archrival, Commissioner John Hamercheck.

It begs the question why is Hebebrand doing this? What is in it for him? Time will tell.

There was a bit of a controversy that caused quite a stir during the meeting. Commissioner Hamercheck’s microphone had been mysteriously turned off. Of course, Hamercheck and Plecnik cross swords once again. We wonder if the F.B.I. could administer lie detector tests to our Commissioners?

Video 2 – How Much Do Republicans Care About Seniors Being Taxed Out of Their Homes?

We have been yelling from our watchtower for years about the ever-increasing property taxes pricing seniors out of their homes. The current sexennial revaluation of our property has caused quite a stir in Lake County, and has exacerbated the problem. We had to travel to Cuyahoga County to see what the Democrats were going to do about the problem that is now statewide. It opened our eyes to what the Republicans are doing for the seniors that make up 1/3 of the population in Lake County…..ANSWER: NOTHING!, ZERO!, ZILCH!, NADA!

Do not be surprised if there is a surge in independents – people who value the commandment “love thy neighbor” and love their country rather than “party Über alles “.

Video 3 – When is an Increase in Taxes Not an Increase in Taxes?

Answer: When Commissioner John Plecnik says it is not an increase.

Listen to Commissioner John Plecnik pontificate on how wonderful the Commissioners are by approving a $205 million jail without raising taxes. The Commissioner is playing “fast and loose” with the FACTS, and fails to acknowledge what may happen in the future if the $18 – $20 million annually in investment income drops to the normal $1 – $2 million per year. Their bond rating is good because they have the ability in the future to raise the inside millage and sales taxes without a vote of the people.

Full disclosure: We have said for some time that spending money on the existing jail would not be wise. The only thing worth saving in the current jail is the people that work in the jail. Our tour of the jail clearly indicated that the facility was poorly planned and constructed. It is far too small, unsafe for the Sheriff’s deputies, and will continue to be a “money pit” in the future.

All we ask is that the Commissioners be totally forthcoming with the citizens and acknowledge the risks of future tax increases.

Update: August 31, 2024 – Here is the press release for the Lake County Bond rating from Moody’s:

Categories: Community Activism, Lake County Politics


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