Here is what is coming….beware of the Stasi and Refugee Camps

LFC Comments written by “A Watchman on the Wall”

Are you up for a little history lesson? Who and what were the Stasi?

Thanks to Wikipedia for the following information:

The Ministry for State Security or State Security Service, commonly known as the Stasi, was the official state security service of the German Democratic Republic (East Germany). It has been described as one of the most effective and repressive intelligence and secret police agencies ever to have existed. The Stasi was headquartered in East Berlin, and were the “sword and the shield” of the party.

One of the Stasi’s main tasks was spying on the population, primarily through a vast network of citizens turned informants, and fighting any opposition by overt and covert measures, including hidden psychological destruction of dissidents. It arrested 250,000 people as political prisoners during its existence.

Listen to the video posted by Don Winslow, and see if you can see what script the Demonic Democrats are following. He is calling for a “Citizens Army” to spy on Trump supporters.

Here is an article from ‘The Sun’ that tells us about Germany’s “Refugee Camps” to stamp out the mutant strain of Covid-19. The Germans has dusted off their playbook on camps, they are infamous for them. Remember, Europe is foreshadowing what will happen in the United States.


Germany to hold Covid rule breakers in REFUGEE CAMPS under new crackdown to stop Brit mutant virus explosion

The Sun
Christy Cooney
18 Jan 2021, 11:16

Updated: 18 Jan 2021, 13:43

GERMANY’S worst Covid rule breakers will be held in detention centres under new proposals being drawn up by a number of state governments.

The move forms part of the country’s efforts to stop the spread of the more contagious mutant strain of the virus detected in the UK last month.

Angela Merkel is said to be concerned about the spread of the mutant coronavirus strain in Germany
Angela Merkel is said to be concerned about the spread of the mutant coronavirus strain in Germany Credit: Getty – Pool

In the eastern state of Saxony, people who ignore lockdown measures will be held in a cordoned-off part of a refugee camp being built next week.

State authorities have said the centre will only be used for those who repeatedly breach self-isolation requirements.

A similar scheme will be used in neighbouring Brandenburg, while in northerly Schleswig-Holstein rule breakers will be held in a part of a juvenile detention centre.

The southwestern state of Baden-Württemberg will reportedly use rooms in hospitals.

The country’s regional governments have powers to hold people who flout lockdown requirements under the Disease Protection Act, first passed by the federal parliament in March, Die Welt repots.

Germany won praise for its early handling of the pandemic, though has seen cases rise in recent months.

It is now seeing around 18,000 people test positive a day, and has so far recorded 47,440 deaths.

The government is also keen to avoid the spread of a mutant strain of the virus first detected in Britain in December.

The strain is thought to be up to 70 per cent more contagious than the original, and to be a contributing factor to a recent surge in cases in the UK.

Officials have expressed concern that more people continue to mix and use public transport than they did during the first lockdown in spring.

Markus Söder, head of state of Bavaria, has said the country must start taking the “worrying” mutant strain “extremely seriously”.

“The… rules that we have may be clearly too few,” he said, adding that the variant could “quickly jeopardise all efforts of the past few weeks”.

Current lockdown measures are due to expire on January 31, but Chancellor Angela Merkel is said to have told a working group of members of her Christian Democratic Union party that the country still needs “eight to 10 weeks of hard measures”.


LFC Comments: Watch for the “mutant” strain to arrive soon in the United States. If this one does not finish us off, look for an even greater, “double mutuant” virus used to scare everyone.

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