Redefining “Domestic Terrorism”…from a leftist’s viewpoint

Linda Goudsmit says:

Alejandro Mayorkas is another Obama sycophant, singing along with Pelosi’s unhinged narrative that what happened at the Capitol Building on January 6 was domestic terrorism inspired by Trump. Eighty million Americans voted for our America-first President Donald Trump, who never once in four years called for violence. It is the Democrats who support violence and the overthrow of our constitutional republic with their chaos-inducing policies of open borders, releasing criminals, support for Marxist BLM, and horrific efforts to defund the police. Pelosi’s roadshow is pure political theater designed to foment social chaos and blame Trump supporters. Wake up America!


DHS top dog: ‘Domestic extremism’ is the most ‘lethal and persistent terrorism-related threat’ to US


Conspicuously lacking once again is any definition of what exactly constitutes “domestic, ideologically motivated extremism.” Is it support for violence and actual insurrection? Or is it simply holding views that dissent from the hard-left agenda? It is increasingly clear that the latter is meant. The January 6 Capitol riot is a “searing example” of the threat the country faces, while Antifa and Black Lives Matter riots all over the country continue to be ignored. This appears to be one more attempt to portray peaceful, law-abiding Americans who supported President Trump and dissent from the leftist agenda as terrorists and as enablers of terrorism. One certainty of the regime of Biden’s handlers is that there will be a great deal more of this. The country will have no future as a free republic if these attempts to criminalize political dissent continue.

“Domestic Extremism Is Most ‘Lethal And Persistent’ Terrorism Threat To U.S., Says Mayorkas,” by Melissa Holzberg, Forbes, March 17, 2021




“The most “lethal and persistent terrorism-related threat” to the United States is domestic, ideologically motivated extremism, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said in his opening remarks at a hearing before the House Homeland Security Committee.”

“Mayorkas said that since the September 11 attacks, the threat landscape against the U.S. has substantially “evolved” to the point that foreign terrorism is no longer the chief concern of DHS.”

“Mayorkas said the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol was a “searing example” of the threat the country faces.”

DHS announced in February that it would provide $77 million to state and local governments to combat domestic violent extremism. At the time Mayorkas wrote in a statement that “the most significant terrorist threat facing the nation comes from lone offenders and small groups” whose violent acts are motivated by “extremist ideological beliefs.” President Joe Biden directed intelligence officials to study domestic violent extremism shortly after his inauguration. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said the assessment would clarify if new methods are needed to combat domestic extremism….




Categories: Free Speech Zone, National News, Uncategorized


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