Why the need to spray chemicals overhead?

LFC Comments by: T. Paine

Thanks to a Lake County lobbyist for sending us this article. We have followed the issue of “chemtrails” for quite some time. Who, why and what is being sprayed overhead are legitimate questions. Unfortunately, since we no longer have a truly free media that is concerned about the truth, and a federal and state government that is corrupt beyond belief, we will never be told the truth.

We have no way to verify any of what is stated in the article, so we have put this in our free speech zone. Our readers can choose what to believe or not to believe. All we can say is that we do not believe it is for the betterment of mankind.



Steven Fishman – Is the UN Using Chemtrails to Poison Us?

May 23, 2021

Chemtrails may contain Messenger RNA Bombs that spread massive cytokine storms of spike proteins on our crops, onto farm animals which we eat, into our water supply, and in our lungs, as part of the Global Genocide Depopulation Event.  The idea behind this is to prevent the UNVACCINATED from avoiding the lethal effects of the Experimental Eugenics Bioweapon


Samples from chemtrails were analyzed by a facility in Victoria, British Columbia, which is licensed by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and found to contain in addition to JP-8 jet fuel (possibly the carrier medium which contains numerous disease causing agents);
Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, which not only causes respiratory infection but also attacks the immune system; 
Serratia Marcescens, an antibiotic-resistant bacteria which causes pneumonia, endocarditis and meningitis; Streptomyces and molds capable of inducing heart disease, upper respiratory and gastrointestinal ailments.

Have you experienced symptoms of unknown origin?

Chemtrails spraying started in 1999. To this date no one has a definitive answer as to why the spraying is going on, nor why people are developing all sorts of odd health problems and complaints following spraying.

Don Croft, a leading researcher into chemtrails and their dispersal and treatment by natural means states: 

“Anyone who has been accustomed to looking at the sky knows that in early 1999, the chemtrails began making almost daily appearances in all these regions, turning the sky into a big tic-tac-toe game, with sometimes six or eight white, very quiet jets seen at any given time, all day long, flying at altitudes far too low to leave contrails.. The United Nations is the only organization I’m aware of that flies white, unmarked aircraft and the spewplanes fly low enough to be easily Identified with binoculars.”
“I was living in Des Moines, Iowa, when this started and on the first day, few people noticed the bizarre display in the sky but everyone was talking about the sudden rise in respiratory illness and deaths among the elderly, infirm and infants there.”

 Respiratory Problems and Acute Respiratory Distress; Chronic Fatigue and Flu-like Symptoms; Chronic Headaches and Allergies; Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain; Mental and Emotional Problems; Immune System Depletion; Mysterious, Debilitating and Uncurable Health Problems.

It is known that more and more people are developing strange chronic type conditions which are generally unresponsive to standard medical care, as well as to herbal treatment, due to internal toxic changes in the body. Chemtrails are also affecting the life or bio-energy, resulting in severe fatigue and weakening.


But the worst part of this is that Chemtrails may contain Messenger RNA Bombs that spread massive cytokine storms of spike proteins on our crops, onto farm animals which we eat, into our water supply, and in our lungs, as part of the Global Genocide Depopulation Event. 

The idea behind this is to prevent the UNVACCINATED from avoiding the lethal effects of the Experimental Eugenics Bioweapon, which include but are not limited to:   
1. Known injury and deaths from Messenger RNA prions, which in the case of cattle results in “Mad Cow Disease,” and in the case of human beings, results in the manifestation of brain dysfunction and hysteria;
 2. Known injury and death from anaphylactic shock resulting from the infusion of Messenger RNA through the vaccine;
 3.   Known injury and death from toxic lung, heart, and brain paralysis resulting from the infusion of Messenger RNA through the vaccine;
 4. Known injury and death from toxic blood clotting resulting from the infusion of Messenger RNA through the vaccine; and:
 5.  Known injury and death from toxemia arising from infertility complications resulting from the infusion of Messenger RNA through the vaccine.
 6.   Known injury and death from mitochondrial cancer from lipid nanoparticles causing cytokine storms of spike proteins which deprive the heart, lungs, and brain of oxygen.
 7.   A phenomenon known as Frequency Transmissibility Shedding caused by 5G Electromagnetic Transmission Nanoparticles which cause UNVACCINATED people to be harmed if they are in direct proximity with VACCINATED people; and:
 8.   THERE IS NO CURE for the Experimental Use Authorization Injection.  80% will die within the first five years, and 100% will all die within ten years, due to the replication and proliferation of oxygen-depriving spike proteins.  

FEMA Camps all over the United States are empty but are being prepared to house the UNVACCINATED as “COVID TERRORISTS.”  Don’t think for a moment that FEMA Camps are five-star hotels.  These are not summer camps where you can go fishing or kayaking.  They are concentration camps that any Depopulation Dictator would be proud of.  You will listen to re-education propaganda 24/7 at full decibel deafening volume while you are starved to death on Chemtrail Soup.  

Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, George Soros, and Dr. Fauci and their close circle of Satanic friends all want us dead, especially those of us who actually can think for a living.
Maybe the solution is to run away to the Republic of Vanuatu in the South Pacific Ocean where there is no extradition treaty with the United States.  Or maybe to burrow underground in a subterranean colony like the Morlocks did in the “Time Machine.”   But it unequivocally appears that if you remain in the United States of Genocidia, bad things are bound to happen.

Or you can just live in denial and watch joyful vacation commercials on TV and pretend that you still live in Happy land.  You decide.


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