Murder for hire in Cleveland…exposing Preterm of Cleveland

“It’s A Matter Of Life…”

Written by: “Anonymous One”
June 16, 2021

Pagan God Moloch

One of the practices of the cult that worshipped the pagan god Moloch was to sacrifice their children. Of course, this was forbidden by God’s word and can be found in several passages. One such,  Lev. 18:21, says, “Neither shall you give any of your offspring to offer them to Moloch, nor shall you profane the name of your God; I am the Lord.” 

In the second century, Tertullian, an early Church Father, wrote about the evil practice of  abortion: “To prevent birth is anticipated murder; it makes little difference whether one destroys a life already born or does away with it in its nascent stage. The one who will be a man is already one.” 

As  Christians regularly gather to pray in front of Preterm, the busiest abortion mill in Ohio, hired Moloch supporters are frequently present loudly cursing, blaspheming and screaming pro death taunts as they do their best to disrupt and intimidate those gathered in prayer to defend unborn life.

The ancient spiritual conflict of good vs. evil is ongoing as the battle for life of the innocents continues today.


LFC Additions by Brian Massie, Director:

We did some research on Preterm of Cleveland, Inc. They are registered as a 501 (c) (3) “Non-Profit”. However, that is just so that they can be exempt from paying income tax on their profits. From the website Guidestar here is their Form 990 for 2020 (tax year 2019).

Here is page 1 from their Form 990 for CY2019:

Please note that the “Non-profit” made $488,500 (10%)(line 19 – Revenue less Expenses)

On page 8 of their Form 990 the compensation of their two major officers are listed:

C. France is their Executive Director and was paid $125,498 plus $7,191 in other compensation.

Chrisse France – retiring in the Summer of 2021

This is Jennifer Moore Conrow – she has been hired to replace the outgoing Chrisse France

C. Cszafrantec is their Financial Director and was paid $102,930 plus $6,162.

On page 1 of the Form 990 (item F) lists CFrance Cszafrantec as their principal officer.

[Note the similarity of the names C.(Chrisse) France and Cfrance Cszafrantec – makes one go hmmmm? Is it the same person?]

We could not find any names of doctors that actually perform the ghoulish acts of murder listed on the Preterm website. If they are so proud of their chosen profession why don’t they reveal themselves?

This is not for the betterment of mankind….it is all about the MONEY!

Preterm website:

First Trimester 
Surgical abortion: $465
Medication abortion (through 9 weeks): $535

Second Trimester 
13–14 weeks: $575
15–16 weeks: $675
17–18 weeks: $915*
19–20 weeks: $1215*
21 weeks: $1425*

*either conscious sedation ($75) or anesthesia ($150) is required

Pain Relief Options
Local: no additional charge
Oral sedation: $20
Conscious sedation: $75
Anesthesia: $150

Special Appointments
Options counseling only: $55
Ultrasound only: $135
Rhogam injection: $60 (first trimester) or $115 (second trimester)
Post-abortion counseling: free for abortion patients

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Categories: Right to Life


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