UN Troops on American Soil?

No American President invites an UN Army to Occupy America.

Written by: Robert J. Gargasz
July 15, 2021

This is the action of a treasonous and illegitimate administration intent on the destruction of America. 

May we as Americans recognize the treason of Onaway and Milley who claim to be American Generals but are of dubious character and seem to be CCP puppets like the installed administration. ,

We are occupied and must not allow UN troops to be welcomed onto our land to patrol our country.

The Bill of Rights must be respected and there will be no gun collection and no mass death by vaccination as is currently being attempted.  The CCP and globalists can go to hell!

Pass it on.  American People will never surrender and we will defeat and kill the enemies of our country both foreigners and domestic.  Repent and identify the traitors publicly. 

Those that sold out America you will be required to give account of your treasonous behaviors!


The Beltway Report
Written by: Staff Writer
July 14, 2021

Excerpts from the article:

Biden regime Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has officially called for the United Nations to occupy American Soil in the name of investigating ‘racism’ in the United States today.

What is perhaps even more troubling is that Biden is inviting the Globalist United Nations to come occupy US soil, with the potential to even propose laws and policies to Biden and the government. As the Biden Regime tightens it’s grip on power, the invitation of foreign agents to U.S. soil may represent a major escalation.


Categories: Free Speech Zone, National News


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