Redress of Grievances is a Constitutional Right

LFC Comments by Brian Massie:

While attending the August 5th Lake County Commissioners’ meeting, we heard Lake County patriot, Mr. Dave Black of Willoughby, request support from the Commissioners for a petition he will be sending to the Ohio General Assembly.

Article 1, Section 3 of the Ohio Constitution permits citizens to file a “redress of Grievances” when they believe that their constitutional rights have been violated.

Text of Section 3 of the Ohio Constitution:

Right to Assemble
The people have the right to assemble together, in a peaceable manner, to consult for the common good; to instruct their representatives; and to petition the General Assembly for the redress of grievances.

Ohio Civil Rule 38 –

Jury Trial of Right (A) Right preserved. 
The right to trial by jury shall be preserved to the parties inviolate. [LFC Add: “inviolate” means free or safe from violation]

Here is Mr. Black’s Petition to the Ohio General Assembly:

Here is a video of Mr. Black’s presentation to the Lake County Commissioners:

We will continue to follow this issue, and will report on the Commissioners’ ruling on Mr. Black’s request.

We compliment Mr. Black for taking the time to address this issue that impacts all Ohio residents.


Categories: Lake, Local News, Ohio Counties

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