Personhood Alliance…Religious Exemption for Covid-19 Vaccine

Personhood Alliance offers religious exemption form for COVID vaccines.
Over the past few months, we have received numerous requests for guidance on obtaining religious, moral, and ethical exemptions from the available COVID vaccines. People are deeply concerned, rightly so, that more and more businesses and colleges are requiring vaccination in exchange for employment and access to education.

Denying people the right to make personal, moral medical decisions based on their sincerely held beliefs is wrong. Vaccination must remain an individual choice.

In response, the Personhood Alliance has published a tool called “Religious, Moral, and Ethical Exemption from COVID Vaccination Requirements” to provide practical help in addressing the wave of COVID vaccine mandates—vaccines that were produced using aborted fetal cell lines, tested using aborted fetal cell lines, or both.

We encourage you to use this form and share it with others who are seeking guidance. As as option, you can also add the signature of your pastor or priest.

Please share the form and our press release with your social network. Thank you!
Get the exemption form
Read and share our press release

We’re not just another pro-life organization.

We believe in the power of the People to make a real difference at the local and state levels.

The Personhood Alliance is a confederation of 28 independent affiliate organizations, both Catholic and evangelical, who stand on the biblical principles of personhood in defending human life and human dignity in the 21st century.

We seek to stop the killing of pre-born children without exception, and we reject the regulation of abortion. We also defend human life and human dignity from other direct assaults, such as assisted suicide, euthanasia, human trafficking, disability discrimination, unethical advances in science and technology, the push for non-human personhood, and the relentless attacks on God’s design for marriage, family, gender, and sexuality, particularly when these attacks target children.

All of these issues have one thing in common: They are part of a coordinated assault on the Image of God, as reflected in His wholistic design for the human person.

We hope you will join us on this epic battlefield


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