Stop CRT News

Stop CRT news

  • Berea City School District gets a dose of CRT from JEDI, and we aren’t talking about Star Wars. JEDI stands for Justice – Equity – Diversity – and Inclusion. The school district decided to partner with the Diversity Center of Northeast OH to bring this program to students. They claim the program doesn’t aim to teach CRT, but most of the resources the JEDI program references fall squarely in the camp of those who promote CRT. A recent search of the term “racist” on the school district’s website yielded links to media with titles like “How to not (accidentally) raise a racist” and “Ten tips for teaching and talking to kids about race.” We couldn’t view these pages because they are no longer available, but they definitely were there recently. A similar look around the Diversity Center of NE OH website yielded media results like “Hagerman, Margaret A. (2020) White Kids: Growing Up with Privilege in a Racially Divided America.” and “New York Times: Introducing: Nice White Parents.”  So, forgive us Berea School District, but we don’t believe the claim that you aren’t teaching CRT. 

  • DeWine’s office responded to letters from some of our group members raising concerns with CRT. They replied “The Governor opposes critical race theory because it divides, rather than unites, Americans. We should never shy away from teaching the good and bad of American history, but we should help our children appreciate what unites us rather than what divides us.”  (While this is not the powerful statement against CRT that we had hoped for, at least he appears to be on the right side of the issue). 

Private Schools See Enrollment Influx as Parents Change Schools due to Masks and Critical Race Theory.

WESTLAKE, Ohio — ‘Unprecedented’ and ‘school-year’ are quite often used in the same sentence right now, but Courtney Novak says she wanted some consistency for her kids this year. “Continuity was super important to us as well as being in an environment where they can thrive,” she said.Novak’s two children are newly enrolled at St. Paul Westlake and said the school’s flexible mask policy is what prompted the change. To read the rest of this story go to our great News site:

Air Force Academy Requires Training Linked to Critical Race Theory and Black Lives Matter. The Air Force Academy requires its incoming cadets to watch a diversity and inclusion video supportive of attending a Black Lives Matter chapter meeting. Critics argue this proves military academies have implemented critical race theory as part of their curriculum. To read the rest of the story go to our news page:

Dave Yost–Update Dave Yost’s team has agreed to meet by phone with two members from We’ll let you know if anything transpires from this meeting that should happen in the next week to two weeks.

Debunking CRT:Are You Angry Yet?…

There is a lot to be upset about these days: like mask and vaccine mandates trampling personal freedoms, the humiliation of our country on the world stage due to the debacle in Afghanistan, and of course, the division of racial politics and CRT being pushed in our workplaces and classrooms. It is enough to make a person want to turn off the news and tune out completely. Some people have, but that doesn’t solve the problem. Others will stew on the constant stream of bad news until they become stressed and agitated with no outlet for their frustration but fretful hand-wringing.

However, this time of challenge is an opportunity. It is an invitation to get into the conversation about local, state, and national policies. Taking action on behalf of the policies that are important to us is the antidote for such frustration. Once you move along this path of action, you will meet others that are in a similar place, who have similar values and concerns, and you will not feel so alone. You may even feel encouraged as you might actually be able to affect change. 

Soon, you will realize that your frustration is fading, and a new sense of calm has replaced it. This is because you have taken that energy of frustration and given it purpose. By taking some action, any action, you are now headed towards a goal, and that is, by far, preferable to stewing on bad news. Your soul, and probably your blood pressure, will thank you.  It is important to note that things didn’t have to get this bad. 

We didn’t have to relinquish our positions on school boards to the tender mercies of far left activists that seem to hold a majority in so many communities. We did that by choice. For years, we ignored the left’s takeover of our schools and corporations. We didn’t oppose CRT when it cropped up. We waited until news reports surfaced that teachers were separating kids by race in classrooms. We waited until the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History & Culture put up an exhibit declaring things like hard work and objectivity are “signs of whiteness.” It’s not all our fault though.

Our national media, politicians, and other groups/people of influence have stifled the motivation of people like us to speak out by using the one word that everyone fears – racist. No one wants to be called a racist and society rightly shuns racists, so there is a lot at stake when a person speaks out against things like CRT.  But there is some good news. The left has overplayed their hand. America has seen what CRT is and they don’t like it. The term “racist” is losing steam. That is the natural course of things when the media labels everything it doesn’t approve of as racist, so there’s no need to be afraid of that anymore. The backlash to all of this is here, and it is strong. Ease your frustration by taking some action.

Partner Update – Totally Engaged Americans is a group of folks in Lorain County (Ohio) who are dedicated to the pursuit of liberty. We formed in 2009 during the rise of the Tea Party movement and have been meeting ever since. Our core values are constitutionally limited government, fiscal responsibility and free markets. We welcome citizens to join us regardless of political party affiliation. is a Coalition of following 41 Ohio Groups. If your group is interested in joining this fight please email us at
West Chester Tea Party
We the People Convention
Portage County TEA Party
Lobbyists for Citizens
Republicans for a Greater Cincinnati
Free Ohio Now
Principles First USA, Inc.
Totally Engaged Americans
Ohio Freedom Coalition
Northeast Republican Women
Ohio Republican PAC
Conservative Republican Leadership Committee
No Left Turn in Education
Ohio Patriots Alliance
Mom’s for Liberty
Warren County Tea Party
Warren County Conservatives
Bikers for Trump
McFan– Medina County Friends and Neighbors
East Side Republican Club
Friends of Liberty United
Ohio Stands Up
Joe Blystone for Governor of Ohio
MOVCAC–Mid Ohio Valley Citizens Action
Renacci for Governor
Mac Thompson for U.S. Senate
Mom’s For America
Mike Gibbons for U.S. Senate
Josh Mandel for U.S. Senate
Building Blocks for Liberty
Jane Timken for U.S. Senate
Jonah Schultz for Congressman 16th District
We The People Delaware County United PAC
Mark Pukita for U.S. Senate
Westerville Tea Party
Miami County Liberty Group
Kings Education Integrity
Citizens for Free Speech Ohio
Proclaiming Justice to the Nations
Greene County Tea Party
info@StopCriticalRaceTheory.com is an initiative of, Inc. which is a Not-For-Profit Corporation in the State of Ohio that operates completely on its own., Inc. is not aligned or affiliated with any other group or entity.

Categories: State of Ohio, Uncategorized


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