Letter of Reprimand for our Military Leaders

LFC Comments by Brian Massie, Executive Director:

The Democrats and feckless Republicans have done what no outside enemy could do, and that is damage the greatest military in the world. They are removing people from the military that do not “follow a lawful order” by refusing to get the Pfizer COVID-19 “vaccine”.

Here is a letter of reprimand given to my young relative in the Air Force.

Major General Jeffrey T. Pennington

How far have we fallen when the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milley, in co-ordination with the Defense Secretary, Mark Esper, tells the Chinese government that they will warn the Chinese if then President Trump planned to attack China? We call that a betrayal of your country, and exemplifies a severe lack of leadership in a once proud military.

It seems to us that Milley and Esper and many other military brass should be given letters of reprimand from our elected officials for failure to properly defend this nation.

Russia and Chinese leaders must be very thankful for their good fortunes. A POTUS that is not sure what year it is, military leaders that will give them a “heads up” before taking action, and elected officials that will sell out their country for Chinese cash.





Categories: National News, Uncategorized


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