Ohio Senate Candidate Mark Pukita Reveals the True Republican Party

LFC Comments by T. Paine: LFC does not endorse candidates, but will give either Party a platform to get their message to the voters. Here the U.S. Senate Candidate Mark Pukita pulls back the curtain on the Ohio Republican Party. LFC agrees with Mr. Pukita that this Party needs an overhaul because it does not demonstrate the virtue of honesty, integrity, or transparency.

All three virtues are paramount for a good governance and an informed citizenry!

The fact the current Chairman of the Republican Party, Bob Paduchik, stated that the public will no longer be allowed in any State Central Committee meetings is a definite signal that the Republican Party has gone to the dark side, and is no better than the Democrats.

The local Lake County Republican Party has a great platform, but the problem is they do not follow it.

One local politician had an interesting question and an answer:

How do you know if the member of the Republican Party is a RINO (Republican in name only)?

Answer: If he or she supports Ohio Governor Mike DeWine – they are unquestionably a RINO!

Link to Pukita’s website:




We need to fix a corrupted Ohio Republican Party

Our Republican Party has been corrupted too long by insider SWAMP creatures.  It is governed by a 66 member body called the “State Central Committee” that we elect every two years.

The scandals have gone on for years but in 2020, we saw a $61m bribe scandal involving Larry Householder.  It was and used to buy legislative seats (in conjunction with the Ohio Republican Party and the House Republican Caucus) and legislation (like HB 6).

The Ohio Republican Party Chair Emeritus, Matt Borges, is under indictment.  On Jane Timken’s watch, as Party Chair, millions of dollars in equity disappeared without explanation.  Millions in donor money has been transferred to Mike DeWine and Dave Yost without any authorization by the State Central Committee.  Insiders on the State Central Committee (and their families) are rewarded, by DeWine, with unethical patronage appointments that bring them money and healthcare at our taxpayer expense.  The Treasurer of the Party, Dave Johnson, refuses to allow a legitimate CPA audit of the books.  Bob Paduchik, the current Chair, rules like a tyrant.  He purges committees of any members who question the ethical and financial mess.  He prohibits on-the-record voting so that we cannot see how our representatives vote. Last week, Paduchik announced that the public will no longer be permitted in Party State Central Committee meetings.  There are also persistent rumors of backroom deals, being offered by Paduchik, to buy the silence of those who might dare question it all.

On February 4, the State Central Committee is set to rig the May 3, 2022 Republican Primary by endorsing Mike DeWine and all of the other Statewide candidates in the Primary.  Such endorsements, to rig primary election outcomes, come with massive financial and logistical support. They are designed to block out any Primary competition.  It is wrong.  It is so unethical, that Paduchik knows it needs to be done behind closed doors, away form public view.

It is all disgusting.  It is not us.  We are supposed to be the party of “Honest Abe” not “Republicans in Name Only.”  It is simply wrong that party insiders rig our primaries.

We need to fix it.  You can play a key role.  There are two things you can do:

  1. Run for Republican State Central Committee by filing a petition of 5 signatures by February 2.  I will help your campaign if you agree to a simple four-point platform of ethics and transparency.
  2. Join us on February 4 to stand against Ohio Republican Party Primary endorsements in a reserved room in the same hotel as the SWAMP State Central Committee meeting.

Categories: Lake, State of Ohio


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