Exposing Justin Rapp…Mentor Ridge 3rd Grade Teacher

LFC Comments by Brian Massie, Executive Director:
Our mission is to promote honesty, integrity and transparency by exposing the lies, deceptions and betrayals. This is an article that will expose the deception played on LFC by a 3rd grade teacher at Mentor Ridge Public School.

From his Linked-In page:

Justin Rapp – 3rd Grade Teacher at Ridge Elementary

Justin Rapp

3rd Grade Educator at Mentor Public Schools

Mentor, Ohio, United States

K-3 Teacher with 7 years of teaching experience. I have taught in grades kindergarten through third grade. Currently, I have the most experience in the third grade. I graduated from Cleveland State and completed my Reading Endorsement at Heidelberg. I am currently enrolled in my masters at American College of Education with the focus on curriculum and instruction.


LFC received the following email from “Josh” with an email address of jrapp31390@gmail.com.

Here is the article that Josh was “…particularly interested in learning more about a topic”. “I am interested in the Ridge “diversity” program, is there a way I can find out more information, or speak to the writer.”

Thinking that we were contacted by a concerned citizen, rather than a deceiver, we sent the following email to “Josh”:

Here is where “Josh” magically transform into none other than “Justin”.

“Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.”

Here is the truth:

Justin Rapp is a third grade teacher at Ridge Elementary in Mentor, Ohio. He works with Mrs. Jasmine Venson, the 4th grade teacher at Ridge Elementary in charge of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion program at Ridge Elementary. [It really should have the acronym DIE!]

Remember “Josh / Justin” was “interested in the Ridge “diversity” program”. However, he “…was interested in the local conversation as well. I know Mentor recently elected new school board members in a very intense election, perhaps it was one of them who heard from a teacher.”

In reality, he was probably expecting LFC to give up our sources for the article. Newsflash to Justin and all others: LFC will NEVER give up our sources. When we mention a name, it is only after we have received permission to name the source.

When we discovered the deception, we sent an email to Justin Rapp telling him that his deception is not appreciated.

Mentor parents need to be aware of the type of individuals and teachers that are polluting the minds of their children. This DIE program is pure Marxism, and Justin Rapp is front and center with the deception being taught in Mentor schools. We can only imagine the types of books this “Woke” teacher is reading to his impressionable students.

Is this the type of character Mentor parents want in their classrooms filling the minds of highly impressionable young people?

Mr. Rapp, you have been outed as a deceiver!!!


Categories: Education, Lake County Cities & Townships, Mentor, Uncategorized


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