A Moment of Silence for Governor DeWine & SOS LaRose

LFC Comments by Brian Massie, Executive Director
The leaders in the Ohio Republican Party have turned their collective backs on the average citizens in Ohio – both sides of the aisle and the Independents. They showed their true colors when they denied the Press and the citizens access to their recent State Central Committee meeting. They truly do not care about the average citizens of Ohio.

Here is a tune that reflects the careers of Governor Mikey DeWine, and Secretary of State Frankie LaRose.

Rather than a moment of silence…let’s party!!!!

We celebrate the political demise of DeWine and LaRose!



The Ohio Republican Party State Central Committee met to endorse Frank LaRose and Mike DeWine for reelection – and they almost lost.

The state party voted 26 – 36 NOT TO ENDORSE LAROSE & DEWINE.

A mere 55% of the 66-member committee voted to endorse these two incumbents.

42% of the ORP voted not to endorse either LaRose or DeWine. That’s HUGE news.

While the Ohio swamp still lives, it is on life support.

What’s more, DeWine, LaRose and the screening committee chairman were too afraid to be present at the meeting, fearing an embarrassing rebuke by members of the committee.
ORP Vice Chairman Bryan Williams echoed key parts of my election integrity campaign in his floor speech opposing LaRose’s nomination. Read these facts and share with our fellow Republicans.

Categories: Lake County Politics, Uncategorized


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