Mexican Standoff at Commissioners’ Meeting

LFC Comments by Brian Massie, average citizen

The retirement of Commissioner Ron Young has exposed a rift in the Lake County Republican Party. Since Young is a Republican, the Party gets to appoint his replacement, but for some reason they have been derelict in their duty to appoint a replacement.

The Commissioners’ meeting held on May 19th illustrates the problem of having only two Commissioners. Even Assistant Prosecutor, Dave Hackman, was flummoxed about what to do when there is no agreement between the two remaining Commissioners. We edited the video of the meeting to highlight the problem.

The Lake County Republican Party was supposed to have a meeting on May 21st, but we received the following message showing that it was postponed.

Dear Central Committee Members, 

Due to multiple scheduling conflicts, the special meeting on May 21st at noon to appoint a new Commissioner to replace Ron Young has been postponed.  Please accept our apologies for the late notice.  Please watch your email over the next few days for an announcement about the new date and time. Feel free to call if you have any questions.   Please let others know about this postponement if you are able.   

Thank you,  

Lisa Patton 


Now this is very interesting.

The Chairman of the Republican Party and the Lake County Board of Elections, Dale Fellows, expressed interest in filling in until the November elections, but we have been told that the County Prosecutor is trying to determine if there is a conflict of interest with Mr. Fellows holding so many positions.

Since Willowick Mayor Rich Regovich defeated Morris Beverage III in the May Republican primary for the 2 year Commissioner’s seat currently held by John Plecnik, why couldn’t he be appointed to the 2 year seat after they move Plecnik to the 4 year seat? The problem with that scenario is that Plecnik would have to resign his current position, and he may not receive the Party’s appointment to the 4 year seat. He would rather take his chance against the Democrat in November.

I will offer my services to replace Commissioner Young until November. My services to the County as an independent Commissioner, would be free of charge. The problem with that is there is no way that they are letting Brian Massie “get behind the curtain”.

We are appealing to the Lake County Republican Party to do their job and get a third Commissioner appointed.



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Categories: Lake County Politics, Uncategorized

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