Geauga Prosecutor James Flaiz reported to the Ohio Attorney General

LFC Comments: We are happy to provide a platform to citizens that have no voice, and are continually ignored by those elected officials in power, or by the bureaucracy that is supposed to work for the average citizens.

Here is such a case documented by Ms. Susan Daniels of Geauga County. Ms. Daniels has received no response from the Ohio Attorney General, Dave Yost as of May 18, 2022 to her letter dated December 2, 2021.


Ms. Daniels sent the following letter to Mr. Dave Yost, Ohio Attorney General asking that Geauga County Prosecutor James Flaiz be removed from office for appearing guilty of malfeasance.

All of the other supporting documents shown were supplied by Ms. Daniels.


Categories: Local News, Uncategorized


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