GLSEN Who Are They?

GLSEN was promoting their agenda in Brecksville Schools 12 years ago under the premise of “non-bullying” policy.

Unacceptable behavior including bullying is to be addressed with all children in schools, not just the non-gender conforming, so why was GLSEN allowed to represent their views to all students? Perhaps because they had a no cost program with perks ready to distribute a “program” which was more about propaganda than anti-bullying?  Our administrators and school counselors have failed the community and not been vigilant in protecting all children but have catered to what is now virtue signalling to the woke movement.

Keep this out of our schools.

Jan Just Thinking


Here i s a link to a Mission America article – GlsenLink

Who We Are —

Championing LGBTQ issues in K-12 education since 1990

GLSEN works to ensure that LGBTQ students are able to learn and grow in a school environment free from bullying and harassment. Together we can transform our nation’s schools into the safe and affirming environment all youth deserve.


Buy at Barnes and Noble


Categories: Free Speech Zone


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