Laketran getting citizens’ attention

Brian Massie, Citizen Journalist

Lake County residents seem to be focusing their attention on the policy changes and issues of the Laketran transit system. If the citizens are interested and contact us, then we will try to be an advocate for them.

There was some concern about a major expenditure of $78,540 for some IT outside assistance for Laketran’s IT Director, and only IT employee.

Here is a video that we cut from their meeting on October 24, 2022. The resolution passed 4 – 3, so all of the board members are not in agreement with Mr. Capelle, and Tony, the IT Director, that the expenditure was necessary.

We will have to admit that the argument presented by the IT Director that if the propane tanks are not secure then the whole building would be destroyed, left us scratching our heads. What does that have to do with IT needs?

We contacted Mr. Capelle again about an issue that we brought up months ago. Here is the email string between Mr. Capelle and LFC.


Can you please give us an update on Laketran’s progress of providing those citizens with limited or no sight with a voice-actuated system for scheduling a “Dial-A-Ride” bus for their appointments?

We were told quite some time ago that it will be implemented. We are just trying to confirm that it has been completed, and is in use.

Thank you,
Brian Massie
Lobbyists for Citizens


Hey Brian,

We are still working on it, it has been a surprisingly complicated process.  We discussed the project this morning in our Monday staff meeting.  Our IT person has a call tomorrow with the company that is setting it up and the objective of the call is to release a menu for internal testing.  Assuming that takes place and testing goes well we plan to push it live to the public by the first week of December.  Let me know if you have any other questions, have a good week!

Ben Capelle | CEO

Direct (440) 350-1001

555 Lakeshore Blvd. Painesville Twp., OH 44077





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