Is NOACA an Extreme Leftist Organization?

By Brian Massie, Citizen Journalist

Thanks to our Lake County lobbyist for sending is us this NOACA flyer.

It should be abundantly clear that the globalists and their pawns, such as NOACA, are promoting a fundamental change in America. It certainly appears that Barry O’Bama is pulling the strings behind the scenes in Washington. The globalists believe that the peasants need to be controlled, and the worldwide hoax of climate change is the perfect ruse.

Our way of life with suburban living is a big target, and the “15 minutes cities” you may have heard about is but another means of controlling the peasants.

How can Lake County get their share of the federal gas tax collected in the County without subscribing to the Marxists’ ideology promoted by NOACA? That is a real conundrum!


Take NOACA’s 2023 CAR(bon) FREE Challenge for a chance to win great prizes!

Join Gohio Commute’s 2023 CAR(bon) FREE Challenge, May 1 – 31, sponsored by NOACA and our partners Bike ClevelanduGo at University Circle and Downtown Cleveland Alliance.

The Challenge – open to residents in Cuyahoga, Geauga, Lake, Lorain, and Medina counties – is for individuals to take alternative destination trips (work, school, errands, entertainment) during the month of May using modes of transportation other than single-occupancy vehicles, such as bicycling, walking, e-scooters, public transit, etc., with an ultimate goal of reducing carbon-producing vehicle footprints.

Participants can log their destinations on the Gohio Commute platform for a chance to win great prizes. Register to join the May 2023 Challenge by clicking on the “Register Now!” button below.


The upcoming NOACA Debate featuring Lake County Commissioners John Hamercheck, John Plecnik, and former Geauga County Commissioner Walter “Skip” Claypool should be very interesting and informative. It will be livestreamed, and we will announce the link when it becomes available.

Thanks to my friend and fellow Lobbyist Jim W. for creating the following advertisement.



Please support Lake County’s Sub Zero Mission…


Categories: Lake County - General, Uncategorized

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