Who is Funding Porn in Schools?

By Karen England, Capital Resource Institute
CRI | 520 Capitol Mall, Suite B-1, Sacramento, CA 95814

Taking Back the Classroom

Proposed Legislation Aims to Defund Schools That Refuse to Remove Pornographic Material

Congressman Mark Green, a Tennessee Republican, has proposed new legislation that is turning a national spotlight on the battle to remove pornographic and obscene material from public schools. Green’s bill, aptly named No Obscene Teaching in Our Schools Act, aims to cut federal dollars from public schools that promote such explicit material.

We are so thankful for the Congressman’s efforts, particularly because there are numerous organizations working against CRI to ensure that the radical sexual agenda becomes firmly rooted first within the schools and then in the hearts and minds of our children. 

Recently, the Congressman stated, “I’m appalled at some of the material our children are exposed to in school. Some books are so explicit that excerpts have been censored in school board meetings.” 

CRI is quite familiar with this heavy-handed approach toward parents and other concerned citizens who have attempted to read aloud portions of pornographic books that are available TODAY in elementary, middle, and high school libraries.

In fact, even while CRI has been leading the effort to sound the alarm about porn in schools across the country, our President, Karen England, was asked to stop testimony in her own district in Clarksville, TN when she attempted to read from a pornographic book to which young children have access.

Time and again, school boards have failed to notice the irony of not permitting an adult to publicly read from an obscene children’s book that is, in some instances, available to boys and girls as young as five years old! 

Join with the wave of citizens who are waking up to the reality of the purposeful grooming and sexualization of our children taking place in school libraries and classrooms in every state. Take action today to remove obscene and pornographic materials from your public school. 

Visit our new website, takebacktheclassroom.com, to learn about CRI’s free resources and to find out which books may be present in your own district.
Read and download actual excerpts from the most widely distributed pornographic books and then use this information to start a movement in your district. 

Our children are depending on us…let’s get to work!




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