Family Shot at in Jack-in-the-Box Drive Thru

By Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall

Here is another example of a society that is in free-fall. Arguing about not getting your curly fries can get you killed.


A black female Jack-In-The-Box employee in Florida was filmed shooting a pistol at an Hispanic family after they complained about a side of curly fries not being delivered with their drive-thru order.

From WFLA, “Florida family shot at over curly fries in Jack-In-The-Box drive-thru”:

Anthony Ramos of Miami, his then-pregnant wife Jeraldin Ospina, and their 6-year-old daughter pulled up to a Houston Jack-In-The-Box in March 2021, hoping to order lunch and a side of curly fries.

When the fries did not come through, Ramos asked employee Alonniea Ford about the missing item, but she “refused to fulfill the order” which had already been paid for.

When the family asked to speak with a manager, Ford “began cursing at [the family] and yelling at them to ‘get the (expletive) outta here!'” court documents said.

When the family argued back, Ford hurled packets of ketchup, ice, and a variety of other items at the family’s car. Ford then retrieved a gun and fired it at the family’s car as it sped off.Ford was ultimately arrested and charged with deadly conduct with a firearm. Her charge was later reduced to aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, to which she pleaded guilty in June 2022.
What a wonderful snapshot of the New America™.

Remember folks, if you complain about the state of customer service in our vibrant new country you risk being labeled a “Karen,” getting canceled, brought up on criminal charges and even shot!


“No curly fries for you”….reminds me of Steinfeld’s soup nazi skit…,vid:RqlQYBcsq54,st:0

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