Father Jay McPhillips Warns About Putting Your Eternal Salvation At Risk

By Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall

Finally, a Catholic priest that is unafraid to preach the revealed Word of God.

Note to the St. John Vianney church in Mentor – the message of Sodom and Gomorrah was not that they showed a lack of hospitality, or did not have “social justice”.

Thanks to Geauga’s lobbyist for sending this article to us.



Catholic priest: Voting for pro-abortion, pro-LGBT policies puts your ‘eternal salvation at risk’

‘If somebody votes in favor of’ a radical pro-abortion amendment in Ohio, ‘they put their eternal salvation at risk,’ Father Jay McPhillips warned.

Wed Sep 27, 2023 – 10:20 am EDT
Raymond Wolfe

NEWBURY, Ohio (LifeSiteNews) — A Catholic priest in Ohio blasted the transgender mutilation of children as “totally disgusting and evil” and warned that voters risk eternal damnation by supporting pro-transgender and pro-abortion policies, regardless of whether they are “personally opposed” to the practices.

Father Jay McPhillips of Newbury preached a fiery homily earlier this month against LGBT ideology and abortion, imploring parishioners to reject a far-left ballot initiative in Ohio that would create a “right” to abortion and other so-called “reproductive decisions” in the state.

The priest emphasized the beauty of “God’s plan for sexuality” and attributed rampant abortion in the U.S. to the rejection of that plan.

“God’s plan for sexuality, the deepest expression of sharing their bodies,” he said, “is meant to be only between a man and woman who God has united to become one in the holy sacrament of marriage.”

“It’s not meant for a man and woman who God hasn’t united – the casual hook-up – and it’s certainly not meant for two men to share together or two women to share together, and folks, that’s where our culture just doesn’t understand the beauty of God’s plan,” he continued.

Sexual sins “are so serious,” Fr. McPhillips explained, “because they’re considered the desecration of the sacred. In God’s plan, my friends, our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit.”

“But because so many people have ignored the wisdom and the plan of God, we’ve had the destruction of innocent children going on in abortion for decades now in our country,” he lamented. 

He noted that on the ballot in Ohio this November, “there’s going to be a constitutional amendment that will embed abortion on demand for all nine months of pregnancy in the constitution of our state with no restrictions allowed for all nine months.” 

The measure, titled Issue 1 and backed by radical left-wing groups like Planned Parenthood and the ACLU, would “allow minors to have abortions whether their parents consent or even their parents knowing about it,” he said.  

READ: Tucker Carlson slams abortion as ‘human sacrifice’: ‘This is a spiritual battle’

Fr. McPhillips also pointed out that the amendment would allow children to “begin a ‘transition’ to a different gender,” including with dangerous puberty-blocking drugs

The priest stressed, however, that “transitioning” is actually “impossible.” 

“Males in every cell of their body have an X and a Y chromosome – in every cell of their body. Women in every cell of their bodies have two X chromosomes,” he said. “So a true ‘transition’ is not possible. It doesn’t matter what drugs a person takes, or what surgery they perform on themselves, mutilating their bodies.”

Moreover, he added that people who undergo “transition” surgeries have a 20 times higher suicide rate, as a 2011 Swedish study found.

“So-called doctors who do these things or hospital systems who do these things or the drug companies that are involved, it’s not about helping people,” the priest said. “It’s all about them making money for themselves. They will destroy the lives of confused young people so they can make money.”

“It’s so totally disgusting and evil and just crazy,” he slammed.

Though “gender transitions” fly in the face of biological reality and carry massive risks, such as infertility and cancer, tens of thousands of minors in the U.S. have used puberty blockers or hormones in recent years for the purpose of “transitioning.”

At least 3,678 adolescents from ages 12 to 18 underwent some kind of irreversible transgender surgery between 2016 and 2020, according to a study released last month.

Voting for abortion, transgenderism can ‘put our own salvation at risk’

Fr. McPhillips devoted much of his homily to the spiritual consequences of voting for pro-LGBT and pro-abortion policies, particularly the ballot initiative in Ohio.


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