A New Type of Dementia Plagues America

This is a very interesting article. It is my opinion that shrinking IQs, the loss of cognitive functioning, is a matter of both form and content. This article focuses on the form, digital screens, which is why the malady is called digital dementia. The form is augmented by content.  

The American education industry has indoctrinated two generations of American students with anti-America propaganda. Two generations of American students have been intentionally taught WHAT to think not HOW to think. This is a political bonanza for those demanding an unaware and compliant population–the hallmark of reduced IQ.

Linda Goudsmit
https://goudsmit.pundicity.com and website: lindagoudsmit.com



A New Type Of Dementia Plagues America


Authored by John Mac Ghlionn via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours

Excerpts from article:

In the United States, it’s estimated that at least 7 million people over the age of 65 have dementia. If current trends continue, by the end of the decade, more than 9 million Americans are expected to suffer from this loss of cognitive functioning—that’s equivalent to the population of New York City.

Memory impairment isn’t just affecting the elderly. By 2050, the number of U.S. adults over the age of 40 living with dementia is expected to more than double, from 5.2 million to 10.5 million. To compound matters, there’s a new type of dementia plaguing Americans, one that’s affecting people much younger than 40. It’s called digital dementia, and millions of unsuspecting, young Americans are at risk.

major health epidemic, digital dementia occurs when one part of the brain is overstimulated and another part of the brain is understimulated

The rise of digital dementia, digital addiction, and lower IQ scores is a reflection of a much broader problem. The United States isn’t just struggling with demographic decline; it’s also wrestling with the unholy trinity of spiritual, psychological, and intellectual decline. The country is becoming fatter, sicker, older, and dumber. The movie “Idiocracy” wasn’t a parody; it was a prophecy.

As intelligence levels continue to plummet and test scores continue to fall in the likes of math and reading, the United States risks becoming a society of brainless, aimless individuals, a nation consisting of millions of obese zombies. Contrary to popular belief, societal collapse doesn’t occur overnight; it occurs in increments, a death by a thousand cuts. The biggest threat to the United States isn’t necessarily external; it’s posed by the numerous digital devices in our hands and homes. Technology has consumed both our minds and our souls; are we going to get either of them back?




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