Eastlake Resident Carolyn Speaks At Council Meeting

By Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall

With permission, we are publishing Ms. Kinkoph’s speech at the Eastlake City Council meeting on December 26th. It is a gross understatement to say that she was not happy with the Council members, or the Administration.

The January 2024 organizational meeting for the Eastlake City Council should be very interesting.

We wonder if Eastlake residents will try, at the first opportunity, another recall of the newly elected city council members.

Politics appears to be rather volatile in the City of Eastlake, discussions on recalling elected officials are not uncommon in this city. Here are three prior newspaper articles dealing with Eastlake politics.

The Lake County Republican Party censured Mr. Meyers after the November 7th election.

So how did the Eastlake residents react to Mr. Meyers’ issue? Here are the results of the November 7, 2023:

Member of Council Eastlake Ward 2
# of VOTES %
John Meyers 621 64.29%
Write-In Totals 345 35.71%
Write-In: Alicia Frey 324 33.54%
Write-In: Unqualified 21 2.17%
Total Votes Cast 966 100.00%



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