Political Sign Theft in Portage County Goes to Pretrial Hearing



Date: March 18, 2024

Pretrial Hearing Scheduled for Political Sign Theft Case: An Invitation to Victims and Advocates for Free Speech

[Portage County, Ohio] — A pretrial hearing is set for Thursday, March 21, 2024, in a notable case involving the alleged theft of political signs from in front of an official State of Ohio polling location. The accused, a respected employee at Kent State University with educational ties to both Kent State and Hiram College, faces allegations that could highlight significant concerns related to freedom of speech and the integrity of election processes.

The incident came to light after multiple signs were reported missing from a designated polling place at Hiram College. A subsequent investigation by local police led to the discovery of the signs at a residence adjacent to the polling location.  The accused, defending her actions, claimed a belief that the signs were “on her property”.

This case brings to the forefront the ongoing issue of political sign theft — a concern that not only incurs substantial financial losses for individuals and campaigns but also poses a serious threat to the principles of free speech and political engagement. Over the years, numerous individuals and politicians have reported repeated thefts of signs from various locations, underscoring a persistent challenge to civil liberties and the conduct of fair elections.

In light of these events, we invite all individuals who have experienced the theft of political signs to attend the upcoming pretrial hearing and to follow the case closely. Your stories and experiences are invaluable in illustrating the broader implications of such acts on free speech and election interference. We encourage you to submit your accounts, along with any insights on the costs and impacts of political sign theft, to the court.

For those interested in this case and wishing to lend their voice to this important discussion, information can be found on the public record at: [https://services.portageco.com/eservices/search.page.3?x=oas0I2fZlJHs07Bwi*8qVA](https://services.portageco.com/eservices/search.page.3?x=oas0I2fZlJHs07Bwi*8qVA). Please search for the publically available information under the last name “Snyder” and first name “Lydia”.

This hearing is not just about a single act of theft; it is a critical moment for our community to stand together in support of our individual civil rights to free expression and political participation. We look forward to your support and contributions to ensuring the integrity of our election processes.


Categories: Community Activism, Contributors

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