Commissioners’ Newsletters & Refrigerator Magnets

By Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall

A Lake County resident questioned the cost and the wisdom of the County sending out newsletters and refrigerator magnets. We filed a public records request with the County and got the following information about the annual and total costs spent to date by the current Commissioners.

2021 – $120,604.34

2022 – $254,658.04

2023 – $245,027.36

2024 – $128,536.75

TOTAL – $748,826.49

If you believe that this is a waste of taxpayers money, please contact the Lake County Commissioners and let them know.

Their individual telephone number is on the very nice, expensive magnet below.

We wonder if the Commissioners had thought about using their County website to provide the same information?

Here is what was sent to us by the Lake County Prosecutor’s office:

I think we need to replay former Commissioner Ron Young’s parting words on the two top priorities of government and politicians. Take it away Ron:

Categories: Lake County Politics, Uncategorized


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