Citizens’ Initiative Adding 2 Members to Lake County Budget Commission

By Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall

We are very concerned about the growth of Lake County’s local taxing authorities.

There is an insatiable appetite for property tax revenue to fund public schools, Lake Metroparks, Crime Lab, Deepwood, ADAMHS Board, Council on Aging, Senior Centers, Narcotics Board, Lakeland Community College, Auburn Career Center, cities, townships, villages, and County government. The Visitors Bureau is a 501 (c) (6) Non-Profit living off the sales tax collected from hotels. The Educational Service Center, Crossroads, Affordable Housing, and Lifeline also live off the public dole.

There is a disturbing trend of accumulation of cash by many public entities. Unfortunately, there is no one looking out for the financial interests of the average Lake County taxpayer. The Lake County Budget Commission is supposed to be the “watchdog” for the taxpayers to ensure that excessive taxation does not take place. We can tell you, unequivocally, that the Budget Commission is a “toothless tiger” a “rubber stamp” for the various taxing authorities. The required Budget Commission meetings are merely a formality in reviewing the tax budgets for the various entities that receive property taxes, and a waste of time.

Auditor Chris Galloway recognizes that the Budget Commission, made up of the Auditor, Treasurer, and Prosecutor, is merely a “rubber stamp”, and should be more effective in protecting the financial interests of the taxpayers.

To that end, Auditor Galloway has asked Leonard Gilbert and I to collect signatures to get a petition on the November ballot asking permission from the voters to add two citizens to the Lake County Budget Commission. If the voters approve the issue, then interested citizens can run for the positions in November, 2026. We know that this is not ideal, but we are “playing the cards” dealt to us by the State legislators.

We will be collecting signatures at the Painesville Party in the Park (July 19th – 21st), and at the Lake County Fair (July 23rd – 28th). Here is a short video we created asking for help at the Fair collecting signatures.

Here is our 30 second video asking elected officials to SAVE OUR SENIORS!

If citizens continue to vote for property taxes, without first determining if they can afford the taxes, they are funding their own demise. Do you know what your Housing Affordability Threshold is? Did you know that continuous levies are collected forever, without needing to return to the taxpayers for approval? This adds to the problem of excessive taxation and accumulation of cash reserves by the taxing authorities.

We must realize that we do not really own our own home, we are merely renters from the government.


Categories: Lake County - General, Lake County Politics, Uncategorized


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