Can Mentor Schools Be Saved?

By Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall

We attended the Mentor School Board meeting held on July 11, 2024. The following videos were taken at the meeting.

The Mentor Board of Education voted 3-2 (Payne and Ioppolo dissenting) last night to remove the sexual content policy, which flagged books that were deemed sexually explicit. and notified parents that their child checked out a book with sexual content. The board also voted 3-2 to remove the opportunity for taxpayers to donate books to the school to help balance out their book collections.

The first video is a compilation of Mentor residents that are in favor of the new policies. The second video is a compilation of parents that are are against the new policies.

The disparaging lies made by the women in the first video about the Christian women on the board, Annie Payne and Rose Ioppolo, is a sad commentary about the state of affairs in the Mentor community. Sadly, neither Superintendent Heath, Fiscal Officer Bill Wade, or Board President Maggie Cook came to the aid of Ms. Payne or Ms. Ioppolo, and Board Member Lauren Marchaza questioned the appropriateness of Ms. Payne defending herself.

The following video is Superintendent Craig Heath giving the parents his “State of the School” report.

We have posted the State of Ohio test scores during Mr. Heath’s tenure. The improvement is the test scores the last two years have been minimal at best.

In May, 2024 Superintendent Craig Heath got an 11% raise, five year contract, and an annual raise of 2.5% and an annual bonus. All votes on these were 3-2.  Board members Rose Ioppolo and Annie Payne were the dissenting votes.

LFC Opinion: When we destroy the family, babies and morality a society will collapse. Mentor School District just happens to be a leader in the Lake County collapse.


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