CHAPTER 40: The Art of Using Technologies to Alter Human Cognition

Linda Goudsmit l October 9, 2024

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CHAPTER 40: The Art of Using Technologies to Alter Human Cognition
Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier—Reality Is*

by Linda Goudsmit
October 9, 2024

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Globalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to reorder the world into one singular, planetary Unistate, ruled by the globalist elite. The globalist war on nation-states cannot succeed without collapsing the United States of America. The long-term strategic attack plan moves America incrementally from constitutional republic to socialism to globalism to feudalism. The tactical attack plan uses asymmetric psychological and informational warfare to destabilize Americans and drive society out of objective reality into the madness of subjective reality. America’s children are the primary target of the globalist predators.

To understand Cognitive Warfare and the art of using technologies to alter the cognition of human targets, a basic understanding of electronic communication is required. Chetan Selwal provides the necessary information in his article “Electronic Communication Systems: Basics, Block Diagram and Working,”[i] posted on his website on July 14, 2020.

What is an Electronic Communication System?

Humans have a natural instinct to communicate with each other. We talk to each other using audio waves which are essentially electromagnetic waves. The frequency range of our audio signal is from 30 Hz to 3.4 KHz. Using this frequency, we cannot communicate over long distances. In our day to day lives, we can communicate hardly up to 10 meters or so with each other. If we want to increase the distance of communication, we have to put more energy and shout. Even this shouting will make the signal reach a few extra meters only.

What if we want to communicate over a few hundred or thousands of kilometers? Is it possible with our vocal cords only?

You guessed it right. Our vocal cords have a certain limitation to transmit the audio signal. Transmitting the audio signals directly beyond a few meters is beyond human capability. We need certain technological interventions to make it happen.

In today’s world, we are using semiconductor electronics-based systems extensively to transmit signals fromone place/person/device to another place/person/device using electromagnetic waves. These systems are called Electronic Communication Systems.

Examples of Electronic Communication Systems are telegraph, telephone, mobile phone, pager, Internet, etc.

Electronic Communication System Block Diagram and Working

A typical block diagram for an Electronic Communication System may be as follows:

The main components of any Electronic Communication System are as follows:

  1. Message Source: Message source may be any audio, video or data. Audio and Video signals are usually analog in nature. Data is a digital signal which originates from computer systems. Transmission of these message signals is prime objective of any communication system.
  2. Input Transducer: The input signals such as voice, data or video; whatever we wish to transmit has to be in the form of an electrical signal. Only electrical signals can be transmitted over electronic communication systems. The input transducer is an electronic/electrical device used to convert the input signal in the form of an electrical signal such as voltage or current. For example, a microphone is used to convert an incoming voice signal in the form of an electrical signal.
  3. Transmitter: Transmitter section comprises of modulating elements and amplifiers as per the requirement of the system. The transmitter is the section that applies the main concepts and algorithms of electronic communication to the incoming signals. The output of the transmitter is fed to an antenna in case of a wireless communication system. It is fed to the wired channel in case of a wired channel like optical fiber or coaxial cable.
  4. Channel: Channel is the medium through which the signals sent by transmitter travel toward the destination. Depending on medium, channel may be wired or wireless. In wired channels signal transmission takes place inside a bounded medium. A few examples of wired channels are telephone lines, optical fibers, copper cables, coaxial cables etc. In the case of wireless channel signal transmission takes place through the air. A few examples of wireless channels are microwave links, mobile phones, satellite communication etc. Signal degradation takes place inside the channel due to attenuation, distortion and noise. When the signal travels through long-distance, its power level decreases due to attenuation over the channel. Spurious signals get added in the form of noise signals. Because of these reasons signal faces distortion. We need to have proper mechanisms at the transmitter and receiver end to mitigate the effects of this noise and its implications otherwise it becomes very difficult to reproduce the originally transmitted signal at the receiver end.
  5. Receiver: The receiver block does exactly the opposite processing to that of the transmitter. The signal received from the channel is filtered out for noise and unwanted signals. Then the demodulation of signals takes place. The demodulated signals are in the form of an electrical signal. These signals are fed to the output transducer.
  6. Output Transducer: It translates the received signal into its original form, i.e., from an electrical signal to its original form as it was before transmission.
  7. Message Destination: It is an end-user that consumes the message or information.

Bioelectricity comprises the electrical currents and electrical potentials generated by or occurring within living cells, tissues, and organisms. Bioelectricity is a fundamental form of energy in the human body, the way our body communicates with itself internally. Once we understand the basics of circuitry in Chetan Selwal’s diagram above, we can grasp the staggering potential of human beings to become part of the electrical circuitry of the external electrical grid.

The Internet of Things is a network of physical devices embedded with sensors and software that collect and transfer data to one another over the Internet without human intervention. Some examples are smart home devices such as refrigerators, televisions, and thermostats; wearable devices such as smartwatches, fitness trackers, and glucose meters; and autonomous vehicles such as self-driving cars. The Internet of Things (IoT) has been expanded to the Internet of Bodies.

The Internet of Bodies (IoB) is a parallel network that connects our own bodies to the Internet using devices that are implanted, swallowed, or worn. The body becomes a technology platform that can be remotely monitored and controlled, or hacked, breached, and exploited. That is the basis for Yuval Harari’s statement that humans are now “hackable animals.” (Chapter 33)

Data is the currency in an information war. The IoT is an ecosystem that collects data about your personal habits. The IoB is an ecosystem that collects information about your personal health. In war, the more information you have about your adversary and his movements, the more you can personalize your tactical operations in order to achieve your strategic objectives.

The marketing campaign is painfully simple. Flattery is the operative word. The adjective smart is attached to every physical device that phones home to its base with information. So, globalist social engineers manipulate the public with flattery, seducing them to hand over their personal information with deceitful promises of convenience, leisure time, and improved health. Meanwhile, as the information-gathering campaign collects personal data and processes it for use in the mass-surveillance Unistate, every smart device is reducing the user’s individual agency by making him more dependent upon the device.

Consider this. Students no longer have to add, subtract, multiply, or divide. They don’t have to read or write or think. They don’t need to acquire foundational knowledge to support thinking critically, because critical-thinking skills are forbidden in the Unistate. All they need to do is turn on their smart devices!

You might be wondering about how human beings can become part of the electrical grid and its circuitry. Science journalist Sally Adee describes the study of bioelectricity and its potential in her book We Are Electric (2023):[ii]

You may be familiar with the idea of our body’s biome: the bacterial fauna that populate our gut and can so profoundly affect our health. In We Are Electric we cross into new scientific understanding: discovering your body’s electrome.

Every cell in our bodies—bones, skin, nerves, muscle—has a voltage, like a tiny battery. It is the reason our brain can send signals to the rest of our body, how we develop in the womb, and why our body knows to heal itself from injury. When bioelectricity goes awry, illness, deformity, and cancer can result. But if we can control or correct this bioelectricity, the implications for our health are remarkable: an undo switch for cancer that could flip malignant cells back into healthy ones; the ability to regenerate cells, organs, even limbs; to slow aging and so much more. The next scientific frontier might be decrypting the bioelectric code, much the way we did the genetic code.

e Are Electric traces the history of bioelectricity from Victorian medical charlatans to advances made by studying the giant axons of squid, to the future of brain implants, electric drugs, and the bioethical issues they present. Our discussion will focus on the intersection of bioelectricity, neuroscience technology, the Internet of Things (IoT), and the Internet of Bodies (IoB).

Sally Adee’s book begins in 2009 with a gripping description of the U.S. military brain-stimulation experiment she participated in. It was an Army sniper training simulation, with wall-size graphics of a checkpoint, soldiers, civilians, and an exploding Humvee. Sally was equipped with electrical-stimulation headgear and a rifle that fired harmless CO2cartridges.

The experiment tested a technique known as transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS). Direct stimulation is designed to increase the flow of electricity inside the brain and alter the strength of connections between the neurons in the brain, making them more likely to fire in concert.

The theory is that natural synchronization is the basis for all learning, and speeding up the flow with an electrical field provided by tDCS would theoretically accelerate the rate at which Adee could learn a new skill—in this experiment, sharpshooting. She describes the experiment as wildly successful, and the experience as transformative:

Getting my neurons slapped by an electric field instantly sharpened my ability to focus, and by the transitive property, my sharpshooting skills. It also felt incredible—like someone had finally hit the off switch on all the distracting negative self-talk that had, until that moment, been the main provider of my mind’s elevator music. I was a convert, and I wanted to preach the positive power of electricity to anyone who would listen. (p. 4)

Besides boosting brainpower, Adee explains, tDCS is being used to treat Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and obesity. She describes the development of “electroceuticals,” which are rice grain–size electrical implants clamped around nerves in the body to interrupt their signals:

In 2016, outstanding early results in human trials—in which they seemed to reverse rheumatoid arthritis—convinced Google’s parent company, Alphabet, to team up with a pharmaceutical international [GSK] on a £540 million [approximately $675 million in 2023] venture to tap into your body’s electrical signals, to try to treat diseases like Crohn’s and diabetes. (p. 4)

Sally Adee spent ten years following the evidence, and We Are Electric is the result. The entire book is exciting to read because it presents the complexities of science and scientific jargon in laymen’s terms. The introduction provides a succinct summary of Adee’s discoveries, perspective, research, hopes, and concerns about the future:

My brief foray into professional marksmanship is just one example of the promise and peril of harnessing our body’s natural electricity. We are fundamentally electrical creatures, but the full extent of our electrification would shock you. It is hard to overstate how wholly and utterly your every movement, perception, and thought are controlled by electrical signals. This is not the electricity that comes from a battery or the kind that turns on the lights and powers the dishwasher. That kind of electricity is made of electrons, which are negatively charged particles flowing in a current.

The human body runs on a different version: “bioelectricity.” Instead of electrons, these currents are created by the movements of mostly positively charged ions like potassium, sodium, and calcium. This is how all signals travel within the brain and between it and every organ in the body via the nervous system, enabling perception, motion, and cognition….

Biologists have known for a long time that these kinds of bioelectrical signals are responsible for all communication between the brain and the nervous system: you can think of them as the telephone wires that help the brain’s command center communicate with your muscles to operate your limbs.

But bioelectricity isn’t confined to our brains. Over the past couple of decades, it has become clear that these signals are pressed into service by every cell in your body, not just those that govern your perception and motion.

Each of your skin cells has its own voltage…the cells in your bones are electric. Your teeth are electric. Your organs are electric…. Recently it has been discovered that electrical signals also send out beacons as we grow in the womb to guide us into the eventual shape we will take—two arms, two legs, two ears, a nose. When this signal is interrupted in utero, things go terribly wrong, so scientists are now working out ways to prevent physiological birth defects by retuning our electrics….

I tell you this to underscore that “bioelectricity” is no mere metaphor, no elegant stretching of a humdrum biochemical truth. You and I are literally electric. The basis of all life is electric. When our cellular battery runs out, we all die. So, what if we learned how to control the switch? (pp. 7–10)

Adee chronicles the bifurcation of the world scientific community that began in the late 18th century and continues to separate biologists from physicists over the issue of electricity:

Biologists stick to biology, leaving the study of electricity to the physicists and engineers. They just don’t speak the same language…it means aspiring PhD students in physics are taught about Tesla and his alternating currents, but not about the bioelectricity running through their own bodies—and biology students get neither…. What we need is a new framework to bring the body’s different electrical parameters under one roof and study them coherently, together. Call it the electrome….

Just as decoding the genome led us to the rules by which information like eye color is encoded in our DNA, bioelectricity researchers predict that decoding the electrome will help us decipher our body’s multilayered communication systems and give us a way to control them.

Over the past ten to fifteen years, experiments have suggested that not only can we decrypt this code—we may even be able to learn to write it ourselves…. It would be like opening the electrical box and being able to rewire our systems as we like…. If it were to become possible to manipulate bioelectricity at its source, the consequences would be staggering…. Some bioelectricity researchers go as far as to say learning the rules of this software could render our bodies and minds as programmable as hardware…. If we are truly electric, then we should all be programmable at the level of every cell. (pp. 12–13)

I understand Sally Adee’s enthusiasm and wonderment. We truly are miraculous electrical beings. What I find so troubling is that when Adee finally mentions some of the ethical concerns surrounding bioelectricity research, she is stunningly naive and dismissive:

The gene-editing technology CRISPR ushered in a flurry of worries about designer babies, and our ability to edit the bioelectric code will be much the same…. Bioelectricity research could all too easily be misappropriated by that vague and undeniable urge to see humans as occupiers of inferior meat bodies that could only be improved by the addition and substitution of hardware and software….

So, what limitations should we place on upgrading or altering humans? Who will govern the rules on remapping the body’s electrical wiring? …

If we are going to try to manipulate the human body, the least we can do is manipulate it on its own terms—terms that were honored by millions of years of evolution, and not with headgear we invented. We have arrived at a new stage of bioelectricity. “With bioelectricity, we are now at the point where astronomy was when Galileo invented the telescope,” says [Prof. Mustafa] Djamgoz, one of the cancer researchers gazing into the unknown. If the nineteenth century was referred to as the “electric century,” the twenty-first century could go down in history as the bioelectric century. (pp. 13–14)

Bioelectricity research is unlike any other research that has ever come before, because as Sally Adee so clearly states, “If we are truly electric, then we should be programmable at the level of every cell.” Contemplating the possibility of bioelectricity being misappropriated denies the reality of the military already weaponizing it, and the eventuality of its being used at home against civilians.

Every astonishing scientific discovery, from gunpowder to flight to nuclear energy to the existence of the unconscious mind, has been used for both construction and destruction. An article by Steve Tarani posted in online magazine GunMagWarehouse on August 17, 2023, “Origins of Gunpowder: An Historical Perspective,”[iii] is particularly relevant:

Discovery, Early Uses and Experimentation

Gunpowder, although widely available today and in a variety of configurations, was originally a substance that revolutionized warfare and is widely considered one of the most significant inventions in human history.

The origin of gunpowder can be traced back to ancient China, where it was initially developed as a medicinal elixir. Over time, however, gunpowder’s properties were harnessed for military purposes, leading to transformative changes in warfare and the world at large.

The exact origins of gunpowder remain shrouded in mystery to this very day, but historical evidence suggests that its discovery can be attributed to ancient Chinese alchemists. Around the 9th century, during the Tang Dynasty, these alchemists were engaged in the quest to discover the elixir of immortality.

In their experiments, they stumbled upon a peculiar mixture comprising sulfur, charcoal, and saltpeter (potassium nitrate). This blend possessed explosive properties that astonished the alchemists.

Although gunpowder was initially employed for its medicinal qualities because it was believed to promote longevity and cure ailments, its explosive nature soon captured the attention of military strategists, who recognized its potential as a game-changing weapon.

Let’s be clear. Bioelectricity goes far beyond any of the extraordinary scientific discoveries of the past. Why? Because bioelectricity actually has the potential to alter the course of human evolution.

Bioelectricity represents a seismic shift and expansion of scientific understanding, since all life on Earth is electric. Decoding the electrome will award scientists the power to manipulate the developing human fetus and eventually redesign the human fetus, and thereby redefine human life. This is the Holy Grail of technocracy and transhumanism.

Bioethics is a misnomer and will not help us in the realm of bioelectricity. When Klaus Schwab, Yuval Harari, Elon Musk, and Sally Adee use words like ethical and bioethics, they dismiss the original colloquial understanding of the words. Most people think bioethics protects the individual and comports with the original Hippocratic Oath that instructed physicians, “First, do no harm.” Named after the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates (460–370 BC), the Hippocratic Oath was the traditional oath of ethics taken by all physicians. It unapologetically and in no uncertain terms upholds the value of the individual patient.

Marxism values the group, not the individual. When this collectivist perspective is applied to medicine, it results in consensus medicine, ideologically driven political medicine, which means that the individual patient is no longer primary, the group is. And what is best for the group? The government decides! In this case a group of ideologues who happen to be physicians decides what is best practice—not for the individual patient, but for society as a whole. The ramifications of this shift are staggering, and the reader needs to remember two basic principles. First, the bioethics of Marxist ideologues and WEF globalists does not protect the individual. Second, the elite always take care of the elite. The deceitful Marxist dualism that Obama brought to Washington is the same dualism that continues to confuse the public with words like bioethics.

History is a great teacher. Barack Obama signed two of the most destructive acts against the United States in American history. First, the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012, which effectively nullified the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 that explicitly prohibited information and psychological operations aimed at influencing U.S. public opinion. Obama legalized propaganda in America against Americans by reversing the prohibition against it. Obama made it legal for his State Department and Pentagon to disseminate his administration’s Marxist political propaganda directly to the American people. Then in 2016 Obama signed the Countering Foreign Propaganda and Disinformation Act, which launched the offensive information war that continues to destabilize the country today. In an astonishing demonstration of Marxist word perversion, the terms propaganda and disinformation were applied domestically, and used to bludgeon the political opposition.

Obama’s state-sponsored assault on facts continues to expand legally in every sector and institution of American life. The Marxist Culture War, with its signature march through American institutions, was animated by Barack Hussein Obama. Bernays adapted military propaganda techniques for commercial purposes; Obama legalized military propaganda techniques for political purposes. The military-industrial complex develops bioelectricity capabilities for commerce and politics. Why?

The answer is simple. The twin goals of both the military and private industry are the same: Power and Control. The combination of resources makes each partner exponentially more powerful, and the shared deceit is that science and technology will be used to heal sickness and liberate the public from its biological limitations.

But would the military-industrial complex use bioelectrical rewiring to alter cognition and behavior of the people it seeks to control? Of course it would, and it has already begun. American political medicine and its associated medical research, including bioelectricity research, disguises its political objectives in the powerful dual-use word bioethics.

Let’s review. The Internet of Things (IoT) was mentioned in Chapter 32 in the discussion of Klaus Schwab’s Davos Manifesto 2020 and the blurring of boundaries between man and machine/computer. IoT is also discussed in my previous book The Collapsing American Family: From Bonding to Bondage. An excerpt from Chapter 28 of that book, “The Great Reset Planned for the United States of America,” is particularly instructive:

Klaus Schwab published The Fourth Industrial Revolution in January 2017. The book describes the artificial intelligence of today as the 21st-century Fourth Industrial Revolution. It follows the steam engine, which launched the first industrial revolution in the 18th century, electricity in the 19th century, and computers in the 20th century.

In a January 10, 2016, interview[iv] on Swiss channel RTS, Schwab explained that human beings will soon receive a chip in their body in order to merge with the digital world. When asked about implanted chips, Schwab responded matter-of-factly:

Certainly, within the next ten years. And at first, we will implant them in our clothes. And then we could imagine that we will implant them in our brains, or in our skin. And in the end maybe there will be a direct communication between our brain and the digital world. What we see is a kind of fusion of the physical, digital, and biological world…. It is a servant that with artificial intelligence learns, and that is not only your assistant for manual work, but that can really be an intellectual partner of you.

In 2016, Schwab was describing the bioelectricity, neuroscience, and neurotechnology of BigBrain, the BRAIN Initiative, and now BICAN (Chapter 38). The baseline bioelectricity and decoding of the electrome that Sally Adee popularized is its natural conclusion. In the same 2016 interview Klaus Schwab alluded to bioethics:

The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), in blurring the boundaries between physical, digital, and biological worlds, challenges what it means to be human. It fuses man and machine through artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT), 3-D printing, genetic engineering, and quantum computing. It relies on technological surveillance rather than the rule of law to maintain order in society. These technological advances depend on fifth-generation (5G) mobile network technology for speed and connectivity.

Schwab claims the seismic changes of the Fourth Industrial Revolution are so sweeping that they redefine everything, including how we relate to one another, the way we work, the way we do business, how governments function, and even what it means to be human. The tools of the 4IR are so powerful that they enable new forms of surveillance and social control, including intrusion into our minds, reading our thoughts and influencing our behavior. Schwab argues that we must embrace the changes and build an ethical, inclusive, sustainable, and prosperous future. (Collapsing American Family, p. 171)

Klaus Schwab, Yuval Harari, and their fellow globalists are selling planetary feudalism by calling it freedom. Changing the name of something does not change what that something actually is. The Great Reset turns the multinational corporations working with government into overlords, and the world population into their economically enslaved serfs. The new normal is the end result of the 21st-century military-industrial complex. Schwab declares, “We must embrace the changes and build an ethicalinclusivesustainable, and prosperous future,” but Schwab never mentions it will be the globalist elite who make all the rules for determining what is ethical, inclusive, sustainable, and prosperous.

It is difficult to sell feudalism as freedom, but using the familiar woke magic words ethicalinclusivesustainable, and prosperous is definitely helping Schwab sell the con. Sally Adee is a gifted science writer who welcomes us to the excitement of the bioelectric century while apparently buying what Klaus Schwab is selling. Perhaps Adee cannot fathom the sinister nature of the World Economic Forum (WEF), its public-private partnerships, its globalist depopulation agenda, or its compelling interest in the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the technologies that animate it. Perhaps Sally Adee is too excited to realize that wound healing, cell regeneration, and cancer cures are only the bait.

The switch in this bait and switch comes with imposition of globalist planetary control through the auspices of the awaiting United Nations. Creation of the globalist Unistate awards totalitarian control of the world’s population and natural resources to the avaricious globalist elite, still promising “you will own nothing and be happy.” Bioelectricity is the missing piece of knowledge in globalism’s transhumanist dreams for eternal life and totalitarian control. Decoding the electrome provides the pathway for human beings to become part of the Internet of Things. Consider the future in globalism’s New Normal.

Human beings will be connected to the electrical grid like cars, stoves, and heaters. The human body will become a remotely controlled appliance, just like any other such appliance. Today’s politicized effort to rid the planet of gas-powered vehicles, gas-powered stoves, and gas-powered heaters does not rescue the planet. It removes some of the last vestiges of independence and agency from gas users. When the power goes out, people with gas-powered equipment are free to move about, cook, and heat their homes. Anything connected to globalism’s electrical grid system including food, fuel, shelter, medicine, clothing—and the digital currency to purchase them—requires access to the grid. In the Unistate, the entire world population is completely dependent upon access to the electrical grid for survival.

Blurring the boundaries between man and machine is being deceitfully marketed as progress for saving humanity and rescuing planet Earth. It is no such thing. It is globalism’s most colossal humanitarian hoax, marketed for our own good but delivered for totalitarian control. And like bedazzled children, adults are being seduced by globalism’s political candy.

Access to the grid is controlled by the globalist elite, who also determine its terms of use and its currency. Today’s currency is ESG scores; tomorrow’s currency could be your liver, your heart, or your brain. Without legal and moral protections for the sovereignty of the self, your body becomes another asset of the collective to be exploited for “the good of the group.” The fusion of man and machine and the technical advances that Klaus Schwab described in January 2016 relied on 5G technology. The next iteration of technological advances will depend upon 6G technology, discussed in the next chapter.

Consider how Freud’s discovery of the unconscious mind, which led to psychotherapy, psychological operations, and propaganda, requires the individual’s participation to influence his heart, mind, and behavior. Bioelectricity, on the other hand, has the capacity for direct application without the individual’s knowledge or consent. We’re not in Kansas anymore.

The inconvenient truth is that we are in a pivotal moment in world history, and the human race is in an existential battle for its future. Of this I am certain. Globalism’s war on the nation-state does not end with the creation of Klaus Schwab’s glorified globalist Unistate. The Unistate is simply the planetary form for its feudal infrastructure, and the organizing principle for its totalitarian governance.

The transformative culture of globalism’s New World Order marks the end of human agency, the end of human freedom, and the end of Humanity 1.0. Cognitive warfare is transformative. It is the ultimate military weapon used against civilians to subdue, control, and achieve absolute conformity.

The secret of globalism’s megalomania is its supremacist foundation and aristocratic mindset. If the enemies of individual sovereignty cannot persuade you with their ideas, they will change your mind inside your own head. Globalism’s slogan never mentions the price you will pay for entry into its world of eternal dependence: You will own nothing and you will be happy—but you will no longer be you.

*Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier––Reality Is is available in paperback, hardback, and ebook formats on, and directly from Ingram in paperback.

[i] Electronic Communication Systems: Basics, Block Diagram and Working;

[ii] We Are Electric, Sally Adee, Hachette Books, 2023;

[iii] Origins of Gunpowder: An Historical Perspective;

[iv] January 10, 2016, interview;

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