National News

Contains articles dealing with National items of interest

Israel Pays Dr. Fauci $1 Million

More recently, however, a clearer case of a violation of the Emoluments Clause has occurred, but no one in the media thought-control establishment has said anything about it. The issue is a $1 million prize awarded by the Israelis to Dr. Anthony Fauci last month for “ ‘speaking truth to power’ during the politicized COVID-19 crisis.”

Warning – Chutzpah of the American Press

Now that they think their anointed is safely enthroned at the White House, the Deep State, through its propaganda mouthpiece Time magazine, is gloating over a “conspiracy” of Big Business, Big Tech, Big Government, Big Labor, and other powerful forces to oust President Trump from office. The behind-the-scenes operation has eerie parallels with “Color Revolutions” staged in foreign lands by the very same operatives who took down Trump.