Texas law prohibits abortions after a fetal heartbeat can be detected.
Right to Life
It’s a Matter of Life
Back in the 1960’s, one woman, Madalyn Murray O’Hair, got prayer removed from public schools…and look where we are today.
It’s a Matter of Life
Murder isn’t magical. It’s not a cozy winter night by the fire or the happy ending to a Hallmark movie.
It’s a Matter of Life
We can restore our hope if we remember that God’s people have faced impossible circumstances throughout salvation history, but always found Him providing relief to His faithful followers.
It’s A Matter of Life
They minimize the truth, marginalize conviction and maximize sin.
It’s a Matter of Life
…the light is always victorious—but the light needs to be brought into the darkness.
It’s A Matter of Life
In every battle to pass ProLife legislation, inevitably the anti-life proponents use “exceptions” including incest and life of the mother only as an excuse to defend the slaughter of ALL unborn children for any reason.
It’s a Matter of Life
Since 1973, we have turned our collective backs as innocent preborn babies numbering in the tens of millions are routinely executed by decapitation, dismemberment, and chemical scalding.
It’s a Matter of Life
His “native language” is now woven into our common vernacular. The lies of “a woman’s right to choose”, “reproductive rights”, “planned parenthood”, “it’s not really a baby” or “death with dignity”, have now become our own native language.
It’s a Matter of Life
Evil works in incremental steps.
There is no middle ground between good and evil. Truth cannot compromise with error.
It’s a Matter of Life
Abortion is not a human right, it steals the rights of humans. Abortion is a politically protected means of death.
It’s a Matter of Life
Compounding the evil further, never forget that abortion does not just kill one child. It kills generations.
It’s a Matter of Life
“It’s A Matter Of Life…” Written by:” Anonymous One”June 14, 2021 These are the words of Jane Roe of Roe v. Wade: “Abortion is murder, plain & simple.” “The abortion business is an inherently dehumanizing one. A person has to… Read More ›
Murder for hire in Cleveland…exposing Preterm of Cleveland
One of the practices of the cult that worshipped the pagan god Moloch was to sacrifice their children
Destroy the family, babies and morality and a society will collapse.
Murder for hire is big business in Cleveland.
It’s A Matter of Life
At the grisly extermination centers run by Planned Parenthood in America today, the innocents are carried to their deaths by their mothers.
It’s a Matter of Life
“It’s A Matter Of Life…” Written by: “Anonymous One” In a phenomena called “Microchimerism” pre-born babies provide living cells that cross the placenta and live for decades in the mom’s blood. These fetal cells remain in the mother’s blood stream… Read More ›
It’s a Matter of Life
A bumper sticker for Planned Parenthood says, “Every child a wanted child”.
…a deception…
Unbelievably EVIL…using babies for science experiments
In the end, genocide is a crime an entire society commits.
It’s a Matter of Life
Our society today would not qualify as even approaching being optimally just.
Pure Evil at the University of Pittsburgh
Human trafficking of aborted baby tissue is going on at the University of Pittsburgh.
It’s a Matter of Life
These children, chosen by God to ignite the kindness that lies dormant in people’s souls and to plant the seeds of empathy in our hearts, never get a chance to make us better people for having known them.
It’s a Matter of Life
All lives matter…
“I came that they might have life and have it abundantly”
Ohio Loses a Congressional Seat
Today, the U.S. Census Bureau announced that Ohio’s congressional delegation will be reduced from 16 to 15 starting next year. This is due to Ohio’s continued decline in population.
It’s a Matter of Life
Christians turning to God’s Word find Christ Himself explaining why He came down from heaven to be among us.
It’s a Matter of Life
Seeking to improve on God’s work, the secular “science for science sake” crowd works to weed out the disabled and different using infanticide, euthanasia, and increasingly genetic engineering.