
Rights versus Wants

“The Founding Fathers aren’t very popular in public high schools these days. Apart from a cursory and incomplete introduction to the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, much of what our Framers wrote is ignored.”

Open Letter to Canadian Truckers

“The managerial state cannot be imposed without the cooperation of physicians1341
It is my opinion that Dr. Robert Malone has grappled with his cognitive dissonance, confronted his disillusionment with the medical community, and come out swinging in defense of truth, liberty, and freedom!”…Linda Goudsmit

The Devil Made Me Do It

“Jokes are now offensive…unless they are jokes about Christian men…and there is now an open season on that genre of discrimination.  Flip Wilson would be a right-wing Uncle Tom by today’s cultural standards.”…Dave Daubenmire

8th Graders Told to Describe Sex Acts Using Pizza Toppings

“The child sex groomers are at it again, this time in Connecticut. John F. Kennedy Middle School created their own pizzagate scandal by “accidentally” giving out an assignment to 8th graders that asked them to make code words for sex acts using pizza toppings and then build a sex pizza with all their favorite sex acts. (I’d like to remind you that 8th graders are 13 and 14 years old.)”…Megan Fox

Voting Rights and Districting

“Voting Rights are under attack by the democrats, the American Marxists / Gramsci-ites and all the Constitutionally uneducated. Their claims are total misinformation since the Voting Rights issue was settled on February 3, 1870. It is called the 15th Amendment to the U. S. Constitution.”

Transhumanism Agenda of Klaus Schwab

Yuval Harari accepts transhumanism as an inevitability – WHY?  Transhumanism is only an inevitability if the globalist campaign for planetary governance is not stropped! Linda Goudsmit / February 7, 2022 https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2022/02/video-evil-transhumanism-agenda-klaus-schwab-frontpagemagcom/ Video: The Transhumanism Agenda of Klaus Schwab & Dr…. Read More ›

HB 546 Needs Support from Seniors…updated 2/10/22

“Seniors have no one fighting for them. This is truly a growing silent majority who instead of
enjoying their twilight years they now have their entire lives upended because they have to
move somewhere less expensive. This adds unneeded stress to people who most likely already
face health problems and the need to plan for their own mortality!”…Bob Patterson

Dr. Peter Hotez is not American.

Here are several articles that indicate Hotez belongs in China, not the USA. Why was Fauci funding covid studies which were part of China PLA with money awarded to authoritarian lover Dr Hotez? If you or I would be any part of any of this, we would be buried under the jails already. But criminals Dr. Fauci, Dr. Daczak, members of the DOD and Dr. Peter Hotez are still raking in the big bucks and running their mouths calling out doctors with actual integrity.