
Hey Cleveland, Why Do You Hate Your Children?…part 2

When the schools don’t do a good job, parents and community leaders must step up their game. Oppose the bad stuff. When feasible, create alternatives. Millions of young Americans have been effectively kept from reaching their potential. This is a national scandal. Children don’t under-educate themselves. You need adults to do the dirty work.

Hey Cleveland, Why Do You Hate Your Children?

This is part one of a two part series exposing the absolute evil allowed to permeate our nation’s public schools.

We have accepted the introduction of inferior teaching methods to dumb down American children.

Education “leaders” promise equality of opportunity, but really want equality of outcome.

Why have Federal and state education “leaders” allowed the standards to drop to unacceptable levels?

Citizens have remained silent about the crisis, all the while they are being priced out of their homes with ever-increasing school property taxes.

We have funded our nation’s demise.

Lobbyists for Citizens

Common Core…evil deception

(LFC Comment: Another brilliant article by Donna Garner revealing the deceptions in the American education system.  It is all a lie and betrayal.) “America is Not Lost If We Do Our Part” By Donna Garner 6.4.19 THE OBAMA CURSE… Read More ›

Public Schools…a costly failure

Thanks to the Marietta, OH  9/12 Project for the heads up on this article dealing with the failure of American Schools: Some excerpts: “The problem isn’t limited to minority students. Only 46% of white fourth-graders—and 35% of fourth-graders of… Read More ›