Ohio’s RNC coffers overflow with $3.6 million…We challenge our Commissioners

LFC Comments: After reading the RNC annual finance report, we can see why the local Republicans do not want to cross swords with Governor DeWine. If you say bad things about DeWine, or do not march in lockstep with his policies, they will support anyone that runs against you in the next election.

Even our local Lake County Commissioners are reluctant to issue any proclamation or resolution that counters the narrative of the State. If we are wrong, then why have the commissioners not DEMANDED that DeWine open up the businesses in their County. Lake County will implode if small businesses cannot open completely!

We wonder if the candidates for the Wuliger seat (John Plecnik and Chuck Hillier) have ever been questioned about how they will handle the state mandated shutdown?

Here is a challenge to the existing Commissioners, Ron Young and John Hamercheck, and the soon to be elected Commissioner. Do you have the backs of the Lake County businesses and residents?

To those on the Lake County Republican Central Committee, the fate of Lake County is in your hands. Are you interested in asking the Commissioner candidates the tough questions, or is membership in the Kool Kids Klub all that matters when electing a Commissioner?


DeWine Husted for Ohio Files Annual Finance Report

Campaign Announces Largest Cash-on-Hand of Any Incumbent Governor During This Period

COLUMBUS– The DeWine Husted for Ohio campaign today submitted the 2020 Annual Report Campaign Finance Disclosure with the Secretary of State’s Office showing $3,641,664 cash-on-hand. The amount reflects the largest war chest an incumbent Governor has had on hand during this reporting period. 

During the last half of the year, the campaign raised $1,615,667. The disclosure shows that 96% of the contributions DeWine Husted for Ohio received during this time came from Ohioans. 

“We are grateful to the many people who believe in the work we are doing to move all of Ohio forward and are willing to support us,” said Governor Mike DeWine.


Categories: Lake, Uncategorized

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