Excerpts from the article:

Trump and Limbaugh Fortunes Can Rebuild Conservatism

By Cliff Kincaid|February 19th, 2021Click on name above to read more articles by this author

By Cliff Kincaid

It doesn’t look good for conservatives.

Donald J. Trump was evicted from the presidency by the Deep State, cancer has taken Rush Limbaugh, and now the Republicans running Texas have so mismanaged the power grid that they are asking for investigations that will inevitably lead to their ouster and a Democratic Party takeover of the state.

That flip, plus Georgia becoming a blue state, suggests that the Grand Old Party is finished as a national force. If that is not already the case, Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell is determined to dig Donald J. Trump’s grave.

Meanwhile, as the Democrats consolidate their power, their puppet-masters are declaring that our future lies in the hands of major corporations, operating as instruments of the state. Hence, Bill Gates predicts we will be eating synthetic meat.

Unborn babies are already being harvested for China virus vaccines, and the Vatican has no problem with it. Most people don’t even know because Big Tech censors the truth.

On immigration, he wrote, “President Trump pulled every trick in the book to end it, including building that wall (some 500 miles of it), virtually ending our disastrous ‘catch and release’ program (with Mexico’s help) and his substantial enhancement of the border patrol.”

Yet various Republicans, from Mitch McConnell to Nikki Haley, have disavowed him. They do this because they hope to curry favor with the Big Media and Big Tech. McConnell apparently wants to divert attention away from his alleged ties to China through his wife’s family shipping company, the Foremost Group.




Categories: Free Speech Zone, Uncategorized

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