Covid-19 Updates from Ron Graham – Lake County Health Commissioner

Lake County Health Commissioner, Ron Graham, and his staff want to ensure that all Lake County residents receive the latest information about the State of Ohio’s Covid-19 mandates.

Ron has provided LFC with the recent changes to the State’s Call Center Script. The complete script is available for you to download and read. We have copied and pasted the changes for you to read, in case you do not have time on inclination to read the entire 182 pages.

Changes are on:

Page 20 –quarantine, close contact:

  1. Why do I have to quarantine if I don’t have any symptoms? What counts as “close contact”?

People who are not fully vaccinated and have been in close contact with someone who has an active COVID-19 case are asked to stay home and stay away from others because symptoms may not appear immediately.

Close contact includes:

  • Standing within 6 feet for at least 15 minutes over a 24-hour period, with or without a face mask.
  • Direct physical contact.
  • Shared utensils.
  • A nearby cough or sneeze.
  • Home care for someone who is sick with COVID-19.

People do not have to quarantine if they have been fully vaccinated against the disease and show no symptoms, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). However, if you live in a group setting, like a group home, you should stay away from others for 14 days and get tested, even if don’t have symptoms and/or are vaccinated.


Page 68 – If vaccinated, do I still follow mask mandate?

On August 4, 2020, Governor DeWine announced an additional mask order applying to children in grades K-12. The Ohio Children’s Hospital Association & Ohio Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics jointly recommended masks for all kids returning to school. The order is applicable statewide.] Schools that offer Kindergarten through Grade 12 instruction should follow the additional guidelines from the Ohio Department of Education and the Ohio Department of Health.


Page 68 – When can I stop wearing a mask?

  1. If I am vaccinated, do I still have to follow the mask mandate?

                Yes. You must follow the mask mandate as long as it remains in effect. Any guidance that indicates masks are not needed would only apply to indoor residences. The mask mandate requires anyone age 10 and older to wear a mask in public at all times when at an indoor location that is not a residence; when outdoors and unable to maintain 6-foot social distance from people who do not live with you; and while waiting for, riding, driving, or operating public transportation or a private car used for ride-sharing. Exclusions include people with certain medical conditions or a disability or communicating with someone with a disability; people who are actively exercising/playing sports or actively eating or drinking; officiants at religious services; and anyone actively involved in public safety. Read the full list of exclusions here.


Page 69- if I had covid, do I still need a vaccine?

  1. I have received the COVID-19 vaccine. Do I still need to quarantine if exposed to it?

Vaccinated individuals who have been exposed to someone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 are not required to quarantine, according to the CDC, if they meet all of the following criteria:

  • The individual is fully vaccinated, meaning it was been at least two weeks following receipt of the second dose in a two-dose vaccine series (Moderna or Pfizer), or at least two weeks following receipt of one dose of a single-dose vaccine (Johnson & Johnson).
  • The individual has remained asymptomatic since the current COVID-19 exposure.

Individuals who do not meet these criteria should continue to follow current quarantine guidance after exposure to someone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19. Also, if you are fully vaccinated but live in a group setting, like a group home, you should stay away from others for 14 days and get tested, even if you don’t have symptoms.

Fully vaccinated individuals who do not quarantine should still watch for symptoms of COVID-19 for 14 days following an exposure. If they experience symptoms, they should be clinically evaluated for COVID-19, including SARS-CoV-2 testing, if indicated.

After vaccination, individuals should continue to follow COVID-19 precautions when in public, when visiting with unvaccinated people from multiple other households, and when around unvaccinated people who are at high risk of getting severely ill from COVID-19. Specific precautions include: wearing a well-fitted mask, staying at least 6 feet from people you don’t live with, avoiding medium-sized and large-sized in-person gatherings, and following CDC and health department travel recommendations.

Fully vaccinated people can stop wearing a mask in specific situations: when you are indoors with other people who are fully vaccinated; or when you are indoors with unvaccinated people from one other household (for example, visiting with relatives who all live together), unless any unvaccinated people or anyone they live with have increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19. Fully vaccinated individuals still must adhere to Ohio’s mask mandate.


Page 133 – is dancing allowed?

  1. Is dancing now allowed (i.e, weddings, proms, bars, etc.)? Do people have to wear masks on the dance floor?

Yes, dancing is allowed. The mask mandate is still in effect, and therefore, yes, masks would be required on the dance floor. Further guidance to best help those planning such events is being developed. 

 The recently amended September 23 Dine Safe Ohio order states: “The open congregated areas in restaurants, bars, banquet and catering facilities (billiards, card playing, pinball games, video games, arcade games, dancing, entertainment) are permitted to open but businesses must follow all social distancing guidelines as well as sanitation guidelines as provided in this and other orders.” Specific guidelines can be found on


Page 134- is entertainment allowed in bars?

  1. Is other entertainment now allowed in open areas of bars and restaurants?

The recently amended September 23 Dine Safe Ohio order states: “The open congregated areas in restaurants, bars, banquet and catering facilities (billiards, card playing, pinball games, video games, arcade games, dancing, entertainment) are permitted to open but businesses must follow all social distancing guidelines as well as sanitation guidelines as provided in this and other orders.” Specific guidelines can be found on


Page 148 – Does Ohio still have a weekly travel advisory?

  1. Does Ohio still have a weekly travel advisory?

Starting March 10, 2021, the Ohio Department of Health (ODH), will no longer issue a travel advisory for those entering Ohio after traveling to states reporting positive testing rates of 15% or higher. Instead, ODH is revising its travel guidance to encourage Ohioans to carefully review Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance when considering travel.

This change means the state-by-state list will no longer be updated. Even as more individuals are vaccinated across the United States and in Ohio and testing availability continues to improve, travelers should still practice appropriate public health measures to slow the spread of COVID-19, such as wearing masks, practicing physical distancing, and washing your hands.

Additional CDC guidance related to domestic travel during the COVID-19 pandemic includes:

  1. Travel can increase your chance of getting or spreading COVID-19. Postponing travel and staying home is the best way to protect yourself and others from COVID-19.
  2. You and your travel companions (including children) may feel well and not have any symptoms, but you can still spread COVID-19 to family, friends, and community after travel.
  3. If you have a known exposure to COVID-19, you should delay travel even if you are not feeling sick, quarantine yourself from other people, get tested, and monitor your health.
  4. Don’t travel if you are sick or test positive for COVID-19, and don’t travel with someone who is sick.


Complete CDC guidance on travel can be found here:



Categories: Lake, Local News, Uncategorized


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