Is there Voter Fraud in Ohio?

LFC Comments: Thanks to a Lorain lobbyist for sending us this article. We are looking into the issue of voter fraud in Lake County, and will issue our findings when the study is completed. We express no opinion at this point in time. However, as we have indicated in previous articles, we are supporters of the leadership and staff of the Lake County Board of Elections.

The Lake County Board of Elections is contemplating spending in excess of $2 million (the number keeps increasing) for new voting machines (hardware and software) with a company called ES & S. We have been trying to find information about this company, and hope that we can get a demonstration of the equipment from the Board of Elections.

Dr. Douglas G. Frank is the individual that is working with Mike Lindell and is featured in the recent Lindell’s videos. Here is a short clip we found on-line with Dr. Frank and Mike Lindell explaining “phantom voters”.


“The Keys to Ohio” by Dr. Douglas G. Frank

In this short video (no sound), I show you two ballot predictions for every county in Ohio (88). For each county, I show you a prediction based upon the population only (not even knowing who is registered), and then based upon the registration data.

Since these predictions are based upon a February download of the Ohio data (not immediately after the election) we don’t expect the predictions to be perfect, as the database naturally changes about 1% per month. Nevertheless, the predictions are surprisingly accurate (R close to 1).

These results demonstrate that registrations are being controlled via an algorithm referencing the US Census, and that ballots are being determined by an algorithm based upon the registrations.

“That ain’t natural, buddy.” (DG Frank, “Scientific Proof,” 2021)

Here is a 4-minute video of “The Keys to Ohio” manipulation of the Nov. 3, 2021 election:
LFC comments: You can stop the video when you get to your County.

From another source on Dr. Frank’s team:

Attached are a couple of resource documents that you may find of interest.  The “Securing the Vote: Protecting American Democracy” is comprehensive and very informative on the election system in the U.S. This was published in 2018.  

The “Ohio 2004 Case Study with Highlights” provides relevant background on what has taken place previously within our state from the perspective of an opposing viewpoint.  I think the good news is that people are genuinely concerned about election integrity regardless of their party affiliation.

Trust that this will be of value to you.

Excerpts from “Ohio 2004 Election Case Study”:

In March 2004, Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman published the article Diebold, Electronic Voting, and the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy on and on predicting that Ohio would be the new Florida in the 2004 presidential election because of the partisan connections of George W. Bush to the private owners of the electronic voting machines and vote tabulation software. The key source for the article, Athan Gibbs, was an African American entrepreneur who had invented a voting machine that gave each voter a verified voting receipt. Approximately one week after the article ran, Gibbs was killed when his car was hit by a truck on an interstate highway.

·       Due in part to the Help America Vote Act (HAVA), like most of the rest of the country, the majority of Ohio’s 2004 registration records were managed electronically, and votes were cast and counted electronically.

·       In Auglaize County, the whistle-blowing Deputy Director of the Board of Elections resigned after complaining that a former employee of ES&S was given “inappropriate” access to voting machines prior to Election Day.

On Election Day 2004, virtually all Ohio’s votes were tabulated on electronic machines owned by companies with strong Republican ties, including Diebold, ES&S (with ties to Chuck Hagel), and Triad.




Categories: Lake, State of Ohio


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