Renacci Policy Announcement….No Property Taxes for 65+

Jim Renacci sets off some fireworks!!!!!
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LFC Comments: Jim Renacci, a politician that is finally fighting for seniors. We have been saying for years that if we stay on the current path of ever-increasing property taxes, we will price seniors out of their homes that they have worked all their lives to achieve.

On an issue that we have been promoting for years, we now have a politician that is agreeing with us. We will be reaching out to the Renacci campaign. It is rumored he is faster than Mikey DeWine, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, and will fight tirelessly for Ohio seniors.

Sound from


POLICY ANNOUNCEMENT:I will push a plan for Seniors 65 or older, who are Ohio Residents, to ELIMINATE property taxes on their residence. Ohio’s retirees are key to our family structure and a vital part to our economy. We need to stop pushing our seniors out of the state and out of their homes. NO PROPERTY TAX for those 65 and over. Protect Ohio’s Greatest Assets.


Who else is saying that our property taxes are too high?




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